WPF vs Silverlight – Similarities and Differences

Many peple have this question. What are Differences between WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) and SilverLight

There is a real good White Papaer on CodePlex (See Link Below)


But to summerize whole story I am writing this post… Hope you find it useful.

What is WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)

WPF is new graphics Sub System introduced in .net Framework 3.0. This is different than GDI (Introduced ages ago) or GDI+ (Introduced in WinXP). WPF is new way to render controls, fonts, 2D and 3G graphics.

Learn More about WPF Here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa480192.aspx

Facts about WPF

  • WPF can be used for Desktop or Web Applications
  • WPF renders using DirectX technology so visual appearance is much richer
  • WPF was introduced in .net Framework 3.0
  • WPF uses XAML for presentation and Code behind can be C# or VB.net
  • WPF application can have full access to your system, registry, media, disk etc.

What is SilverLight

SilverLight is a Rich and Compact Framework to develop Web/Windows Phone applications.  Since SilverLight is mainly trageted for Web and Phone so its Compact and restrictive. SilverLight can be Installed as Plugin on Windows or Mac system. There is a Opensource Plugin for Linux too called MoonLight Mono (See here).

Facts about SilverLight

  • SilverLight can be used for Web Applications or Windows Phone Applications
  • SilverLight is based CompactCLR designed for fast and compact applications manly targed for Web or Windows Phone.
  • SilverLight uses XAML for presentation and Code behind can be C# or VB.net
  • SilverLight has many similarities in term of Controls and Rendering Engine but SilverLight runs under SandBox means giving very limited access to your system, registry, media, disk etc.
  • SilverLight can be installed as Browser Plugin (Just Like Flash) and entire sub system is Few MB download.
  • SilverLight application can be run on Mac and Windows System. There is open source version too which can provide Linux support but its not supported by Microsoft so you are your own.
  • Windows Phone (WP7 or WP8) applications are written in SilverLight or XNA framework.

Differences : WPF vs SilverLight

Coming Soon!!!

Similarities : WPF vs SilverLight

Coming Soon!!!

Binary World is a Software Development company located in Atlanta, USA (since 2007). Binary World specialized in Business Intelligence, mobile, cloud computing and .Net Application Development.

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