Oracle SQL Developer cant find JDK JAVA.exe

This week I had fun with Oracle realm … I never though that it would be so much pain stepping out of MS world.. where everything happens at click of button… But any ways I though I would share few things so someone else can be benefitted.

I will share my story of using SQL Developer …. For those who don’t know … What is SQL Develop… then consider it as SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio)  for Oracle 🙂  … You can write queries.. and perform some basic Admin Operations such as Create/Drop/Modify Users


Issues using Oracle SQL Developer

Once you Install Oracle Client tools you may see SQL Developer installed somewhere under your Oracle Home path


When you try to launch this eve you may be prompted to browse JAVA.exe and I tried default things but didn’t work… and then I realized .. I needed JDK (x86 version)… So make sure you get 32-bit version of JDK v 1.6 (You can get Higher version but they said it may not be supported .. But I guess it worked for me)

Once I downloaded JDK and Installed it… Make sure you “Run As Admin” for first time .. so Java.exe Path is Set in Config file for SQL Developer

If you are running on fresh machine you may need Visual C++ 2010 Runtime .. otherwise you may get MSVCRT100.dll is missing when you run SQL Developer.

Finally once everything is setup and good to go you can launch SQL Developer.

Don’t remember SYS or SYSTEM password ?

If it ever happens to you when you don’t know whats the password for SYS or SYSTSM then try below command … assuming you are Windows Admin.. and part of sysdba group (I think oracle automatically adds person who installs product under sysdba group… its like SUPER user)

1. Open command prompt and type  sqlplus /nolog

2. once you see SQL> prompt type connect / as sysdba

3. once you connected.. type  …. ALTER USER someusername IDENTIFIED BY somenewpassword;

Account LOCKED ?

If you see account locked error for some reason … e.g. tryimg default SCOTT account with password TIGER may give you error… Account is locked… then try below command


That’s it for today …

Happy Coding!!!


Binary World is a Software Development company located in Atlanta, USA (since 2007). Binary World specialized in Business Intelligence, mobile, cloud computing and .Net Application Development.

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