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(Page 42 of 54) 1607 Result(s) found 


How to display Error Line Number in VB
Total Hit (2841) In VB you can display error line number. Its little tedious job but it works fine. you have assign numbers to lines where you want to track error line number. These line numbers should be unique within function or sub.
How to read image Width and Height in Pixel (Works in VB, ASP, VBScript)?
Total Hit (3641) You can use the following code to read image height and width in pixels. If you want to use this code in ASP or VB Script then you have to compile the code in to DLL and then you can call CreateObject Method. <b>Steps if you are using in ASP/VBScript</b> - Create an ActiveX DLL project - R ....Read More
How to Encode/Decode URL using API
Total Hit (5468) Sometimes you might need to Encode/Decode URL programatically. This article will show you how easy it is using 2 undocumented APIs. Encoding URL means convert any unusual character into escape code (e.g. space will be replaced by %20). Decoding URL means convert escape code into actaul charac ....Read More
Extract and Play individual record stored in WMF/EMF file
Total Hit (7134) A metafile is a collection of structures that store a picture in a device-independent format. Device independence is the one feature that sets metafiles apart from bitmaps. Unlike a bitmap, a metafile guarantees device independence. There is a drawback to metafiles however, they are generally drawn ....Read More
Rotating Image using PlgBlt API (Win 9x/ME not supported)
Total Hit (8417) - Create a standard exe project - Place two picture box and one timer control onth form1 - Assign some image (relatively small image would do betetr) to Picture1. - Add the following code in form1 «code LangId=1»Private Declare Function PlgBlt Lib "GDI32.dll" (ByVal hDCDest As Long, _ ....Read More
Working with Region API
Total Hit (4663) A region is a rectangle, polygon, or ellipse (or a combination of two or more of these shapes) that can be filled, painted, inverted, framed, and used to perform hit testing (testing for the cursor location). From this article you will learn - Creating regions of different shapes (i.e rectangl ....Read More
Working with AVI Files - Part 3 (Working With Frames, AVI to BMP)
Total Hit (26017) In my previous 2 articles «a href='CodeDetail.aspx?CodeId=3612'»«b»Part-1 (Opening and Closing AVI file)«/b»«/a» and «a href='CodeDetail.aspx?CodeId=3613'»«b»Part-2 (Working with AVI Streams)«/b»«/a» you learned that how to open and close AVI file and Stream we also learned how to get basic informat ....Read More
How to bring window to the front in Windows 2000/ME ?
Total Hit (4477) Have you ever tried to use SetForegroundWindow function in Windows 2000/ME ? In windows 9x its very easy to set foreground window, just pass window handle to SetForegroundWindow and done... But in Windows 2000 and ME microsoft has changed the process for setting foreground window. In windows 2000 an ....Read More
Working with AVI Files - Part 1 (Opening and Closing AVI file)
Total Hit (22346) This series of articles will show you step by step approach for working with AVI files in VB using Win32 API. In this article series we will go through following tutorials. Other articles in this series «b»«a href='CodeDetail.aspx?CodeId=3612'»Working with AVI Files - Part 1 (Opening and Closi ....Read More
Working with the PivotTable Component's Object Model
Total Hit (2334) The PivotTable List control is represented in the object model by the PivotTable object. You use the DataSource property to specify the source of the data to be displayed in the control. Typically, this property setting will consist of an ADO data source or another one of the Office Web Component co ....Read More
SortBase - Support sorting routines
Total Hit (2406)
KillProcess - Terminate any application
Total Hit (4946)
GetMP3Info - Get info in the standard ID3 tag of the specified MP3 file
Total Hit (2873)
ArrayToListbox - Add an array of strings to a ListBox or ComboBox
Total Hit (4382) «Code LangId=1»Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal _ hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _ lParam As Any) As Long Private Declare Function LockWindowUpdate Lib "user32" Alias "LockWindowUpdate" _ (ByVal hwndLock As Long) A ....Read More
GetFileDescriptionFromReg - Get a file's description from the registry
Total Hit (1884) «Code LangId=1»' get the description of a file from the registry ' or a null string if the file's extension isn't registered ' ' NOTE: requires the GetRegistrtValue function Function GetFileDescriptionFromReg(ByVal FileName As String) As String Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000 ....Read More
ASinH, ACosH, ATanH, ACotH, ASecH, ACscH - Hyperbolic inverse trig functions
Total Hit (3862) «Code LangId=1» ' hyperbolic arc sine Function ASinH(value As Double) As Double ASinH = Log(value + Sqr(value * value + 1)) End Function ' hyperbolic arc cosine ' error if NUMBER is inside the range [-1,1] Function ACosH(value As Double) As Double ACosH = Log(value + Sqr(value ....Read More
The status of shift keys
Total Hit (2988) Visual Basic lets you test the state of the Shift, Alt and Ctrl keys only within the KeyUp, KeyDown and all the mouse-related event procedures. If you want to test the state of these keys from within another routine, you can resort to the following functions: «Code LangId=1» Private Declare Fun ....Read More
Create a simple Windows inspector
Total Hit (4319) It takes only a handful of lines of code to create Windows inspector program, that is, an utility that lets you display the handle, the class name and the contents (Text or Caption) of the window under the mouse cursor. To create such a program, create a small form, add a Label1 control and a Tim ....Read More
Use Objptr function to quickly locate an object in a Collection
Total Hit (3228) One of the simplest and most effective uses of the ObjPtr function is to provide a key for quickly locating an object in a Collection. Let's suppose you have a collection of objects that don't have a property that can be used as a key to retrieve them in a collection. You can work around this by usi ....Read More
Provide better visual feedback for disabled TextBox and ComboBox controls
Total Hit (1782) When you disable a control, VB grays its contents. However, often this action goes unnoticed by the end users. Here's a routine that changes the control's BackColor property in addition to changing its Enabled property:
Don't stop timers when a MsgBox is active
Total Hit (2173) Not all developers know that Timer controls in compiled VB5 and VB6 applications aren't stopped by MsgBox statement, so the Timer's Timer event procedure is regularly executed even when the message box is being displayed on the screen. However, inside interpreted applications under all VB version ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Checking for Media Availability Using DeviceIoControl
Total Hit (1460) This is the DeviceIoControl method for determining if a given drive has media present. The nice thing about this call is that it does not need to spin up the disk - the call returns instantly. The only lag might be if a new disk was inserted and the call was made while the OS was spinning up the dri ....Read More
This is a link to a different site How to Set a Flat ListView Header Style
Total Hit (1331) There may be occasions where a flat-looking listview column header suits the design of your application more that the standard default button-style. By obtaining the handle to the header portion of the listview, and toggling its HDS_BUTTON style bits, the header takes on a flat appearance. Setting ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Definitions of the ListView API Members
Total Hit (1122) This method is intended for Visual Basic 5 or Visual Basic 6 where the Common Control library used is the MSComCtl 5 version (comctl32.ocx). Because the VB6-specific mscomctl.ocx (Common Controls 6) is a complete implementation of comctl32.dll and not reliant on the version of comctl32.dll installed ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Substituting a ListView for a Combo's Dropdown List
Total Hit (1163) Once the methods to trap the display of a combo's default dropdown list had been coded, substituting another control in place of the dropdown list is as easy as modifying the basic routine to point to the new control. Based on the code listed above, the only changes needed to support a listview cont ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Retrieving the Error Message for a Windows API Call Error
Total Hit (2538) Whenever an API function call fails, the error code can be retrieved from VB's Err.LastDLLError property. This tip shows you how to retrieve the description for the error from Windows.
This is a link to a different site Using the cNewMenu DLL to Create Start Menu/ICQ Style Pop-up Menus
Total Hit (1804) The PopupMenu ActiveX DLL let's you create an unlimited number of cool-looking pop-up menus in your application, but what to do in the unlikely event that even that's not cool enough for you? The new version gives you this control too. The OwnerDraw property, which applies to each menu item allows y ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Using CBT Hooks to Centre API Dialogs
Total Hit (2171) Windows sometimes places Common Dialogs and Message Boxes at the "wrong" position on the screen. Whilst there are some ways of working around this for Common Dialogs, a more general solution which applies to any Windows dialog is to use a CBT (Computer-Based Training) Windows Hook. These Hooks provi ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Socket's transport protocol and other options : Winsock API Test Bench sample application
Total Hit (3664) In the previous article we have learned how to create and close sockets. All we know about the socket, at this moment, is only its handle - integer value that is used by the Winsock service and our application just to recognize it. But the socket is not just an integer value - some memory, system re ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Secrets of FTP
Total Hit (2674) Read our practical introduction to the File Transfer Protocol for Visual Basic developers. You'll find out how to retrieve listings of FTP directories, download and upload files, and how to resume broken file transfer. FTP Quick Reference will help you to learn all the FTP commands and server reply ....Read More

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