How to Kill Process by name in Windows XP/2003/2k
Total Hit (3436) |
Here is the most easiest way to kill running process in WinXP/2003
«code LangId=1»
Private Sub Command1_Click()
KillProcess "notepad.exe" '//Replace with ur process name to kill
End Sub
Function KillProcess(ProcessName As String, Optional strComputer As String = ".")
Dim objProces
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How to retrive only visible items of treeview control?
Total Hit (5874) |
If you want to retrive only visible item count for treeview control then you can use TreeView1.GetVisibleCount but the problem is this will only return items which are 100% visible so it wont give you exact number.
In this article I will show you the trick to get only visible items of treeview u
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How to block/unblock keyboard and mouse input ?
Total Hit (5444) |
You can use BlockInput to block keyboard and mouse. Pass true to block and false to unblock keyboard and mouse.
«b»Step-By-Step Example«/b»
- Create a standard exe project
- Place the following code in form1
«code LangId=1»Private Declare Function BlockInput Lib "user32" (ByVal fBlock As Long)
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Handling NTFS Permissions Part-4 (handling registry key permissions)
Total Hit (8058) |
The Win32 Application Programming Interface (API) provides two sets of APIs for working with security descriptors and access control lists (ACLs): low-level and high-level. This series of articles provide a complete set of Microsoft Visual Basic code samples that use low-level access control APIs to
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How to force a window to be a ForeGround Window on Win 9x/NT both ?
Total Hit (9121) |
Microsoft changed the rules with Win98 and Windows 2000 . The SetForegroundWindow API can no longer be used directly to take focus away from another application. Here is the code to implement ForceForeGround window functionality.
Here I have used VB function that uses AttachThreadInput together w
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GetDirectories - Returns all the subdirectories of a directory
Total Hit (3335) |
«Code LangId=1»' Returns a collection holding all the subdirectories in a path
' that match search attributes (optionally it returns the entire path).
Function GetDirectories(path As String, Optional Attributes As VbFileAttribute, _
Optional IncludePath As Boolean) As Collection
Dim d
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StripControlChars - Delete control characters in a string
Total Hit (1858) |
«Code LangId=1»
' Strip all control characters (ASCII code < 32)
' If the second argument is True or omitted,
' CR-LF pairs are preserved
Function StripControlChars(source As String, Optional KeepCRLF As Boolean = _
True) As String
Dim index As Long
Dim bytes() As Byte
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FormatCreditCard - Format a credit card number
Total Hit (4169) |
«Code LangId=1»' Format a credit card number
Function FormatCreditCard(ByVal text As String) As String
Dim i As Long
' ignore empty strings
If Len(text) = 0 Then Exit Function
' get rid of dashes, spaces and invalid chars
For i = Len(text) To 1 Step -1
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Changing the icon of a drive
Total Hit (3145) |
By editing the Registry it is possible to change the icon that Windows Explorer uses for a drive. For example, if you want to change Drive E's icon, create the following registry key:
HEKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\DriveIcons\E\DefaultIcon\
When you c
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Create UDL files the easy way
Total Hit (2156) |
The standard way to create a UDL file is to right-click in the directory where you want to create it and select the New-Microsoft Data Link menu command. Unfortunately, on many computers, this manual procedure won't work, because the file type "Microsoft Data Link" does not appear on the "New" menu.
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Play a CD Audio track
Total Hit (3697) |
If you want to play a track of an audio CD from VB you can use MCI functions. The main MCI function is mciSendString, that sends command strings to the system and execute them:
«Code LangId=1»
Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm" Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal _
lpstrCommand As String,
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Mutually exclusive list boxes
Total Hit (2120) |
Many Windows programs use two adjacent list box controls to let the user select a number of items from a list of available values; such list boxes are mutually exclusive, in the sense that a given item always appear in the list box on the left (available items) or in the list box on the right (items
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Determine maximum size and the position of a maximized form
Total Hit (2462) |
When the user resizes a form with the mouse or the keyboard, or maximizes it, Windows sends the form a WM_GETMINMAXINFO message, with lParam pointing to a MINMAXINFO structure that the form must fill with information about the minimum and maximum size that it is willing to be resized. Using a subcla
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Determine whether the app is running on a flawed Pentium CPU
Total Hit (2784) |
Here's a simple test that you can use to determine whether the application is running on a system equipped with a Pentium CPU affected by the FDIV bug:
«Code LangId=1»
' return True if the CPU suffers from the FDIV bug
Function IsBuggedPentium() As Boolean
IsBuggedPentium = ((1 / 3221224
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Replace the last occurrence of a string
Total Hit (3328) |
Here is a one-liner that replaces the last occurrence of a substring in a string. It is slightly less efficient than using the InstrRev plus a Replace statement, but at least you can use it in-line inside another expression. And it is also one of the few occasions to use the StrReverse function, und
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Write concise code with Boolean expressions
Total Hit (3146) |
When setting a Boolean value based upon the result of an expression, avoid using an unnecessary If/Then/Else structure.
«Code LangId=1»
'Instead of using this lengthy syntax . . .
If SomeVar > SomeOtherVar Then
BoolVal = True
BoolVal = False
End If
'Use this one, which is easi
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Enumerating and Restoring Windows Using Callbacks
Total Hit (1505) |
Here's a quick routine that will enumerate all top-level windows and provide a Restore feature to restore the app to the foreground. Once again the venerable EnumWindows API forms the base for this demo, with supporting roles going to GetWindowPlacement, BringWindowToTop, and friends.
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Determine whether a file is in the Internet Explorer cache
Total Hit (2292) |
If you are creating a shortcut to an Internet file, you will want to know whether it has been visited or not so you can colour it appropriately. This tip shows you how to determine whether a file is in the cache so you can do this.
SendKeys using the API
Total Hit (3524) |
VB provides the SendKeys command which is supposed to create key events in the focus control. However, in practice SendKeys sometimes doesn't work correctly, it is missing some keys and doesn't offer much flexibility in controlling the sequence of key strokes that gets sent. This article demonstrate
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MS Money UI Style Sample
Total Hit (1435) |
This sample demonstrates using the vbAccelerator CommandBar control to create an MS Money style UI. The CommandBar control is used to provide an MS Money style menu, toolbar and status bar, as well as providing dynamic colourisation for other images used in the UI.
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PopupMenu - Transparent Menu Demonstration
Total Hit (2605) |
All Windows controls provide a facility to show context menus when the user right clicks on the control through the WM_CONTEXTMENU message. VB doesn't provide a way to interact with this message however, so if you want to replace the default context menu on a TextBox, or to provide a custom context
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