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Windows Socket Programming tutorial : Part-2 (Implementing Winsock Client)
Total Hit (5543)
Windows Socket Programming tutorial : Part-1 (Implementing Winsock Server)
Total Hit (44821) In this article we will explore power of winsock api. We will implement very simple Asynchronous client and server using API without using Winsock Active-X control. Before we go into more detail let me clear why one more article on the earth for winsock API ... «b»Why This Article ???«/b» You ....Read More
This is a link to a different site CSocket class - replacement for the MS Winsock Control
Total Hit (5163) This is an attempt to simulate functionality and behavior of the MS Winsock ActiveX Control. Why do I call it "an attempt"? Because I don't know what exactly is going on inside that control. I can suppose which Winsock API functions are called by the control's methods but I don't know a lot of other ....Read More
This is a link to a different site FTP Client sample application is updated using the MS Winsock Control
Total Hit (3105) This sample application is an example of how to implement FTP client with the MS Winsock Control and Visual Basic. It is a complete FTP client that allows you to browse FTP directories, download and upload files, resume broken file transfer, create and remove directories, delete and rename files. Al ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Listening for and accepting connection requests
Total Hit (2863) What the title of this article is talking about? Who is listening? Why should it accept any requests? To answer these questions just imagine that you are going to develop a server application that servers one or many client applications via a network. You'll find out that you know nothing about how ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Sending Data using socket.
Total Hit (5259) In the previous article we learned the recv Winsock API function which is used to read incoming data from the Winsock buffer. Today we'll see how to write data to the Winsock buffer for sending that data to a remote host. That is, actually, the send Winsock API function is not to send data. It just ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Receiving Data : Winsock API Test Bench sample application
Total Hit (4290) Today we'll learn how to use the recv Winsock API function with Visual Basic in order to read data from the Winsock buffer that collects all the bytes arrived through the network for our application.
This is a link to a different site Retrieving socket's status - Part I - The select Winsock API function
Total Hit (3746) Before to dive into the most interesting thing - sending and receiving data through a socket, we have to know how to determine status of a socket. In other words, we should know when a socket is ready to receive or send any data. The select function from the Winsock API can provide us with basic inf ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Binding a socket : Winsock API Test Bench sample application
Total Hit (3625) Today we will learn how to use the bind Winsock API function that allows to associate a local address with a socket. We'll modify the Winsock API TestBench sample application in order to give the user of the program to specify local host address and port number for a socket. ....Read More
This is a link to a different site End points of the connection
Total Hit (3480) This part of the tutorial series is about how to use the getpeername and getsockname Winsock API functions in Visual Basic in order to determine parameters of the TCP connection's end-points.
This is a link to a different site Connecting to the remote host : Winsock API Test Bench sample application
Total Hit (4134) Most of the Internet application protocols used today (HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, NNTP and so on) use connection oriented sockets in order to exchange data. That means that two hosts must establish connection before any chunk of data will be sent. As a rule, the initiator of the establishing of the conn ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Socket's transport protocol and other options : Winsock API Test Bench sample application
Total Hit (3615) In the previous article we have learned how to create and close sockets. All we know about the socket, at this moment, is only its handle - integer value that is used by the Winsock service and our application just to recognize it. But the socket is not just an integer value - some memory, system re ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Creating and closing a socket : Winsock API Test Bench sample application
Total Hit (3897) We continue to learn the Winsock API developing the Winsock API TestBench sample application. In this article you'll find out how to use the socket and closesocket Winsock API functions in order to create and close sockets.
This is a link to a different site Introduction to the Winsock API Test Bench sample application : Winsock API - Step by step tutorial for the Visual Basic developers
Total Hit (4222) The second part of the Winsock API tutorial is to introduce the following functions: accept, bind, closesocket, connect, getpeername, getsockname, getsockopt, listen, recv, select, send, setsockopt, socket. We'll learn these functions by creating the Winsock API Test Bench sample application. ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Developing Client-Server Applications with MS Winsock Control
Total Hit (2293) In this article, I am going to show how to use the Winsock in a client server environment, we will create two separate applications, one of which will be a server and the other will be a client. Both client and server will interact with each other to exchange data. Client will send a request to the ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Retrieving Partial Content via HTTP : HTTP with MS Winsock Control - Part VIII
Total Hit (2538) The current specification of the HTTP, RFC 2616, defines the method to download any part of the file located on a web server. What have we got with this feature of the protocol? We can resume a broken data transfer, we can retrieve specific parts of documents to explore its properties... ....Read More
This is a link to a different site How to track the download progress
Total Hit (2549) The Internet Transfer Control (ITC) provides us with a very easy way to retrieve web resources. But unfortunately the control doesn't have any means to track the progress of data transfer. It could be nice if the control ...
This is a link to a different site Sending files inside e-mail messages
Total Hit (2162) We have published the introduction to UUCode algorithm and tutorial that shows how to add new feature of dealing with attachments to our sample applications Simple MailSender and MailChecker.
This is a link to a different site HTTP with MS Winsock Control - Part I - How to download a file from the Web
Total Hit (1330) The tutorial shows how to use the MS Winsock Control in order to retrieve resources from the WWW. You will create the Simple HTTP Reader sample application.
This is a link to a different site Handling URLs with WinInet API (CWinInet_URL class)
Total Hit (2643) The WinInet API provides several functions to handle Uniform Resource Locators (URL). These functions give us the ability to create, combine, break down, and canonicalize URLs...
This is a link to a different site HTTP with MS Winsock Control - Part II - How to track the progress of data transfer
Total Hit (1811) In this tutorial we'll improve the HTTP Reader sample application, you will learn how to track the connection state with the State property of the MS Winsock Control, and how to show the progress of the downloading with the ProgressBar control.
This is a link to a different site HTTP with MS Winsock Control - Part III : How to retrieve a file from the Web through a proxy server
Total Hit (2877) In the previous tutorials we have learned how to communicate with a web server via direct connection. In that scenario the client application establishes connection to the web server by the specified server address (or IP address) and IP-port 80. But there are a lot of cases where a client has an ac ....Read More
This is a link to a different site HTTP with MS Winsock Control - Part IV - Retrieving secured resources from the Web
Total Hit (2414) In this tutorial I'll show you how to access protected resources on the Web using the Basic Authentication scheme. Also you find out how to work with a proxy server that requires authorization of the client.
This is a link to a different site HTTP with MS Winsock Control - Part V - Retrieving binary files from the Web
Total Hit (2059) In this tutorial we'll bring to the Simple HTTP Reader sample the ability to handle binary files retrieved from the Web, particularly image files such as gifs and jpgs. The sample will determine type of the retrieved resource and then pass the downloaded data to a picture box, if that resource is an ....Read More
This is a link to a different site HTTP with MS Winsock Control - Part VI - Receiving chunked data
Total Hit (2023) At this stage we add to the Simple HTTP Reader sample application the ability to read chunked data.
This is a link to a different site HTTP with MS Winsock Control - Part VII - Handling HTTP redirection
Total Hit (2703) There are a lot of reasons why the web developer decides to redirect HTTP request. All the web browsers used today handle the redirection automatically, without interaction with a user. So it is time to add the similar functionality to our Simple HTTP Reader sample application. ....Read More

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