Working with Region API
Total Hit (4719) |
A region is a rectangle, polygon, or ellipse (or a combination of two or more of these shapes) that can be filled, painted, inverted, framed, and used to perform hit testing (testing for the cursor location).
From this article you will learn
- Creating regions of different shapes (i.e rectangl
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How to perform clipping using API
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To perform very complex clipping operations you can use a set of clipping APIs. From this sample code you will learn several techniques of clipping.
A clipping region is a region with edges that are either straight lines or curves. You can create simple or complex regions using various region API
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Window Shapes Using Layering
Total Hit (2552) |
This article provides an alternative, higher-performance way of creating a custom-shaped Windows region from a bitmap for Windows 2000 and XP systems. Prior to Windows 2000, window shapes could only be customised using the SetWindowsRgn API. In Windows 2000 and above support the Layered Windows APIs
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Creating Window Shapes from Bitmaps
Total Hit (2897) |
The Windows Shape article shows how to use the SetWindowRgn function to apply a geometric region to a window using the GDI region creation functions. However, beyond using a simple geometric region, things get difficult. How do you specify the exact shape you want?
This article demonstrates how t
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A window that's star-shaped, circular or tank-shaped
Total Hit (2684) |
Just for fun, its surprisingly easy now to create Windows or controls of any shape whatsoever under Visual Basic. This article demonstrates using SetWindowsRgn to create Windows with a variety of geometric shapes.