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Submitted By : Nayan Patel  (Member Since : 5/26/2004 12:23:06 PM)

Job Description : He is the moderator of this site and currently working as an independent consultant. He works with, SQL Server and other MS technologies. He is, MCDBA and MCSE. In his free time he likes to watch funny movies and doing oil painting.
View all (893) submissions by this author  (Birth Date : 7/14/1981 )

StrReverse - A replacement for the VB6's StrReverse function under VB4 and VB5
Total Hit (1622) «Code LangId=1»' A replacement for the StrReverse function for VB4 and VB5 Function StrReverse(ByVal Text As String) As String Dim length As Long, index As Long length = Len(Text) StrReverse = Space$(length) For index = 1 To length Mid$(StrReverse, length + 1 - ....Read More
UniqueWords - Extract all individual words in a string
Total Hit (1801) «Code LangId=1» ' build a list of all the individual words in a string ' ' returns a collection that contains all the unique words. ' The key for each item is the word itself ' so you can easily use the result collection to both ' enumerate the words and test whether a given word appears ' ....Read More
IsValidCreditCardNumber - Check whether a credit card number is valid
Total Hit (1773) «Code LangId=1»' Validate a credit card numbers ' Returns True if valid, False if invalid ' ' Example: ' If IsValidCreditCardNumber(Value:="1234-123456-12345", IsRequired:=True) Function IsValidCreditCardNumber(Value As Variant, Optional ByVal IsRequired As _ Boolean = True) As Boolean ....Read More
IsValidPhoneField - Check whether a phone number is valid
Total Hit (1744) «Code LangId=1»' Validate attributes of Phone data ' Returns True if valid, False if invalid ' ' Also returns the phone in formatted fashion (USA format). ' Will convert alphabetics to numeric ' 'Example: ' If IsValidPhoneField(Value:="3034414444", ReformattedPhone:=strNewPhone, ' ' ....Read More
Join - A replacement for VB6's Join function under VB4 and VB5
Total Hit (1721) «Code LangId=1» ' A replacement for the Join function under VB4 and VB5 Function Join(arr() As String, ByVal Delimiter As String) As String Dim index As Long For index = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) - 1 Join = Join & arr(index) & Delimiter Next Join = Join & arr(UBound ....Read More
JoinQuote2 - A Join variant that works with 2-dimensional arrays and quoted strings
Total Hit (1580) «Code LangId=1»' Join variant that works with ' bi-dimensional arrays of any type ' and that encloses string values between quotes ' ' ARR is the 2-dimensional array whose element must be joined ' ROWSEPARATOR is the separator for rows (default is CRLF) ' COLSEPARATOR is the separator fol colu ....Read More
JoinQuoted - A Join variant that encloses string values in quotes
Total Hit (1685) «Code LangId=1»' Join variant that works with arrays of any type ' and that encloses string values between quotes ' ' ARR is the array whose element must be joined ' SEPARATOR is the separator char (default is comma) ' QUOTED is the character used to quote string values ' use a two-char st ....Read More
NumberToWords - Convert a number into its string representation
Total Hit (1940) «Code LangId=1» ' Convert a number into its textual equivalent. ' ' Pass True in the second argument if you want a null string when ' zero is passed. ' This is a recursive routine that is probably the most concise ' routines that solves the problem Function NumberToWords(ByVal Number As L ....Read More
PermuteString - Generating all possible combinations out of a string
Total Hit (1922) «Code LangId=1»' Generates all combination possibilities out of a string Public Function PermuteString(ByVal Ztring As String, Optional Base As String = _ "") As String Dim TmpStrArray() As String, I As Long ' If there's only 1 element then If InStr(1, Ztring, " ", vbTextC ....Read More
PhoneNumberFromString - Convert a phone string into a number
Total Hit (1633) «Code LangId=1»' convert a telephone string into a phone number Function PhoneNumberFromString(ByVal PhoneString As String) As String Dim i As Integer Dim acode As Integer Const PhoneDigits = "22233344455566677778889999" ' prepare result in uppercase PhoneNum ....Read More
PrintF - Transforming template strings
Total Hit (1827) «Code LangId=1»' This VB6 function returns a string with a set of parameters replaced with ' variables, similar to the C function printf(). Public Function PrintF(strMask As String, ParamArray Values()) As String On Error Resume Next ' pass in a mask with variables in the order of \0 ....Read More
RandomString - Generate a random string using a mask
Total Hit (2382) «Code LangId=1»' generate a random string ' ' the mask can contain the following special chars ' ? : any ASCII character (1-127) ' # : a digit ' A : an alphabetic char ' N : an alphanumeric char ' H : an hex char ' all other chars are taken literally ' Example: a random-ge ....Read More
ReplaceArgs - Replace numbered placeholders in a string
Total Hit (1683) «Code LangId=1»' Replace placeholders in the form @@1, @@2, etc. ' with arguments passed after the first one. ' For example, calling this function with ' res = ReplaceArgs("File @@1 not found on drive @@2", "README.TXT", "C:") ' it returns the string ' "File README.TXT not found in drive ....Read More
ReplaceChar - A faster version of VB6's Replace function, for single-char replacements
Total Hit (2630) «Code LangId=1»Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (pDst As _ Any, pSrc As Any, ByVal ByteLen As Long) ' This is a replacement for the "Replace" function provided by VB6, ' though for single character replacements only. The speed difference varies, ' depe ....Read More
ReplaceLast - Replace the last occurrence of a substring
Total Hit (2231) «Code LangId=1»' Replace the last occurrence of a string Function ReplaceLast(Expression As String, Find As String, ReplaceStr As String, _ Optional Compare As VbCompareMethod) As String Dim i As Long i = InStrRev(Expression, Find, , Compare) If i Then ' the search s ....Read More
ReplaceMulti - Multiple string replacements
Total Hit (1939) «Code LangId=1»' Perform multiple substitutions in a string ' The first argument is the string to be searched ' The second argument is vbBinaryCompare or vbTextCompare ' and tells whether the search is case sensitive or not ' The following arguments are pairs of (find, replace) strings ' ....Read More
ReplaceWord - Replace whole words
Total Hit (1813) «Code LangId=1»' Replace a whole word Function ReplaceWord(Source As String, Find As String, ReplaceStr As String, _ Optional ByVal Start As Long = 1, Optional Count As Long = -1, _ Optional Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare) As String Dim findLen As Long Dim rep ....Read More
ReplaceWordEx - Replace whole words, with your choice of delimiters
Total Hit (1847) «Code LangId=1» Option Explicit '------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' This enum is used by both InstrWordEx and ReplaceWordEx ' ' It uses a binary value to determine what separator characters are allowed ' bit 0 = allow spaces ' bit 1 = allow symbols ....Read More
ReplicateString - Replicate a string a given number of times
Total Hit (2266) «Code LangId=1»' Replicate a string a given number of times Function ReplicateString(Source As String, Times As Long) As String Dim length As Long, index As Long ' Create the result buffer length = Len(Source) ReplicateString = Space$(length * Times) ' do the multiple co ....Read More
ReverseFullName - Convert a full name into the "LastName, FirstName" format
Total Hit (1709) «Code LangId=1»' reverse a full name ' ' for example: ReverseFullName("John A. Smith") ==> "Smith, John A." Function ReverseFullName(ByVal FullName As String) As String Dim i As Long ' search for the last space FullName = Trim$(FullName) i = InStrRev(FullName, " ") ....Read More
Soundex - Determine the phonetic code of a word
Total Hit (1993) «Code LangId=1» ' The Soundex code of an alphabetical string ' ' you can use Soundex code for phonetic searches ' Beware: this isn't bullet-proof! ' ' UPDATE: this version corrects a bug in the original routine ' thanks to Edward Wittke for spotting the mistake Function Soundex(By ....Read More
Split - A replacement for VB6's Split function under VB5
Total Hit (1920) «Code LangId=1» ' A replacement for the Split function under VB4 and VB5 ' ' Note that the return value is a Variant that contains ' an array of strings Function Split(ByVal Text As String, Optional ByVal Delimiter As String = " ", _ Optional ByVal Limit As Long = -1, Optional CompareMe ....Read More
Split2 - A Split variant that parses multiple lines of text
Total Hit (1785) «Code LangId=1» ' A Split variant that parses a string that contains ' row and column separators, and returns a 2-dimensional array ' ' the result String array has a number of columns equal ' to the highest number of fields in individual text lines Function Split2(ByVal Text As String, Opti ....Read More
SplitMultiSeparators - Split variation that works with multiple separators
Total Hit (2008) «Code LangId=1»' a variation of the Split function that works with more than one separators ' note that separators can consists of 2 or more chars ' Example: ' Dim res() As String ' res() = SplitMultiSeparators("one,two(three four)five", " ", ",", "(", ")") Function SplitMultiSeparator ....Read More
SplitQuoted - A split variant that deals correctly with quoted elements
Total Hit (1873) «Code LangId=1» ' split a string, dealing correctly with quoted items ' ' TEXT is the string to be split ' SEPARATOR is the separator char (default is comma) ' QUOTES is the character used to quote strings (default is """", ' the double quote) ' you can also use a character pair (eg "{}" ....Read More
SplitTbl - Split a string with multiple delimiters
Total Hit (1947) «Code LangId=1»' A variant of the Split function, that offers the following improvements ' You can pass a list of valid delimiters to the second argument ' (however, only single-char delimiters are accepted) ' Differently from the regular Split function, consecutive occurrences ' of del ....Read More
SplitWithQualifiers - An improved version of the Split function
Total Hit (2285) «Code LangId=1»' A variant of the Split function, that offers the following improvements ' You can pass text qualifier as the third argument and optionally specify ' to treat consecutive occurrences of delimiters as one ' For example, the following source text contains comma inside one of ....Read More
StripControlChars - Delete control characters in a string
Total Hit (1871) «Code LangId=1» ' Strip all control characters (ASCII code < 32) ' ' If the second argument is True or omitted, ' CR-LF pairs are preserved Function StripControlChars(source As String, Optional KeepCRLF As Boolean = _ True) As String Dim index As Long Dim bytes() As Byte ....Read More
StripExtendedASCII - Delete extended ASCII characters in a string
Total Hit (2743) «Code LangId=1» ' Strip all extended ASCII characters ' (that is, all characters whose ASCII code is > 127) ' Function StripExtendedASCII(source As String) As String Dim index As Long Dim bytes() As Byte ' the fastest way to process this string ' is copy it into an arr ....Read More
StrReverse - A replacement for the VB6's StrReverse function under VB4 and VB5
Total Hit (1520) «Code LangId=1»' A replacement for the StrReverse function for VB4 and VB5 Function StrReverse(ByVal Text As String) As String Dim length As Long, index As Long length = Len(Text) StrReverse = Space$(length) For index = 1 To length Mid$(StrReverse, length + 1 - ....Read More

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