How to run your .net application using admin privilege under Vista?
Total Hit (1006) |
Assume you're writing some application that really - I mean really really - needs administrative privileges (does it? you must be kidding). So, you want it to run evelated as an administrator. How to tackle this requirement in a Windows Vista and UAC world where even an administrator is locked down
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Read DTS and SSIS Packages Programatically.
Total Hit (1433) |
Reading a DTS/SSIS programmatically helps a lot in doing impact analysis. Consider a scenario in which all the packages containing a particular table or stored procedure need to identified. Let me give another usage scenario for this. The sql native clinet provider SQLNCLI.1 is no longer supported i
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Script - Update Blank Values of Group until Next group starts
Total Hit (2725) |
Recently I came across simple scenario where I had to update some blank values of certain records. Here is what i mean
Assume you have two columns. You want to update Order# column with same order number until next group starts (e.g. ID 2,3 update with Order# => 1000).
ID Order#
1 1000
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Building SSIS Packages Programmatically (Part 1 to Part 9)
Total Hit (4697) |
This tutorial series will show you how to use SSIS Object Model to buil packages programatically in C# (or VB.net)
<a target=_blank href='http://www.ssisbi.com/2009/01/14/building-ssis-packages-programmatically-part-1/'>http://www.ssisbi.com/2009/01/14/building-ssis-packages-programmatically-part
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Creating a custom task with a default UI
Total Hit (1508) |
The Developing a User Interface for a Custom Task entry in Books Online describes how to build your UI from scratch, but there is an easier way to create a UI that has the same look and feel as the stock tasks that ship with SSIS.
The Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Controls assembly expose
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Programming Conditional Split Transformation
Total Hit (1480) |
There may be some circumstances in a sanctuary where it becomes necessary to keep a leash of foxes and a pack of wolves separate so that they must not fight with each other and make things a mess. Similarly, in the database jungle we do the same things by using some conditional statements in order t
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Creating packages in code – Execute SQL Task
Total Hit (1730) |
The Execute SQL Task is for obvious reasons very well used, so I thought if you are building packages in code the chances are you will be using it. Using the task basic features of the task are quite straightforward, add the task and set some properties, just like any other. When you start interacti
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Implementing Search in ASP.NET with Google Custom Search (CSE)
Total Hit (1890) |
ASP.NET's site map feature and SiteMapPath, TreeView, and Menu controls help visitors navigate your site and find the information they are looking for. However, ASP.NET does not provide any built-in functionality for search, which is the most common way people find information online. This is unfort
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Copy Directory Content and All subfolders to target path
Total Hit (11814) |
This Code will copy all files and subfolders of specified source directory to target location
«code LangId=2» Sub CopyDirectory(ByVal SourcePath As String, ByVal DestPath As String, Optional ByVal Overwrite As Boolean = False)
Dim SourceDir As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(SourceP
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A Google-like Full Text Search
Total Hit (4661) |
Thanks to Internet search engines like Google and Yahoo!, your search application users are more sophisticated and demanding than ever. Your application users have a wealth of search application knowledge that they're probably not even aware of. Ask one of them to find a website dedicated to their f
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VB.NET & C# comparison cheat sheets
Total Hit (4348) |
Because developing with the .NET framework gives you the freedom to use multiple languages it can be a bit of a hassle to choose between them. VB.NET and C# are probably the most wide spread languages and a question that gets asked regularly on the ASP.NET forums is which one to choose. My answer: l
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Dynamically executing code in .Net
Total Hit (4254) |
Dynamic code execution is a powerful feature that allows applications to be extended with code that is not compiled into the application. Users can customize applications and developers can dynamically update code easily. In this article, Rick takes a look what it takes to execute code dynamically w
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Simple VB Script to check Registry Key
Total Hit (6683) |
«code LangId=1»Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
strComputer = "."
Set objRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & _
strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\CCleaner"
strValueName = "UpdateCheck"
objRegistry.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strVal
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Get More Out of SQL Server Reporting Services Charts
Total Hit (4274) |
This white paper presents general information, best practices, and tips for designing charts within Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services reports. It provides an overview of some Reporting Services features, answers common chart design and feature questions, and includes advanced examples of how t
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How to check 64-bit Operating System
Total Hit (7670) |
«code LangId=2»
Public Shared ReadOnly Property Is64BitOperatingSystem() As Boolean
<SecuritySafeCritical> _
Dim flag As Boolean
Return ((Win32Native.DoesWin32MethodExist("kernel32.dll", "IsWow64Process") AndAlso Win32Native.IsWow64Process(Win32Native.GetCurrentPr
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DATEFLOOR : Rounding dates to nearest day,hour,minute,second
Total Hit (7513) |
This function takes a date and a date part parameter and rounds the date down to the nearest date part.
Credit goes to "Gordon Klundt"
In order to round '2010-11-03 17:44:10.117' to the nearest hour ('2010-11-03 17:00:00.000')
«code LangId=6»select dbo.datefloor(cast('2010-
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Script to create dummy tables/procs and views for testing purpose
Total Hit (5218) |
This script can generate N number of Tables/Views and Stpored Procs in few seconds with some dummy data. I use this for stress testing and create dummy tables with data.
Change @howmanytables to create N number of tables and then set
- @howmanycolumns to create N number of dummy columns per tab
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Shrink log files of all user databases
Total Hit (5308) |
«code LangId=6»declare @ssql nvarchar(4000)
set @ssql= '
if ''?'' not in (''tempdb'',''master'',''model'',''msdb'') begin
use [?]
declare @tsql nvarchar(4000) set @tsql = ''''
declare @iLogFile int
declare @sLogFileName varchar(55)
declare @RecoveryModel nvarchar(10)
declare LogFiles cursor
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