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Export SQL data to XML File (3 different ways)
Total Hit (13871) Many times we need to export sql server data to some form of XML. As we know that SQL Server can output data in XML format when you use "FOR XML" clause. You can use ADO and MSXML along with "FOR XML" sql query to generate XML files from SQL Server data. The following script is pure VB Script so if ....Read More
How to load XML data in sql server table using stored procedure
Total Hit (2793) This article will show you a simple example to load XML document in SQL Server
How to display a portion of XML text with tags and without tag ?
Total Hit (3024) «code LangId=6»DECLARE @h int EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @h OUTPUT,N' <?xml version="1.0" ?> <Orders> <Item> <CID>1</CID> <ModelNumber>HO1255</ModelNumber> <Features> <AutoStart>Yes</AutoStart> <AutoGear>No</AutoGear> <PowerWindow>Yes</PowerWindow> </Features> ....Read More
How to load validate and load XML file into sql server database using VBScript
Total Hit (6207) <b>Step-1: Create table in which you want to load XML file</b> «code LangId=6»create database MyDB go USE MyDB go CREATE TABLE Customer ( CustomerId INT PRIMARY KEY, CompanyName NVARCHAR(20), City NVARCHAR(20)) go --After insert run this select * from Customer«/code» <b>Step- ....Read More
This is a link to a different site SQL Server and XML
Total Hit (1250) Read the sample chapter from a new book released by Wrox Press, "Begining SQL Server 2000 for Visual Basic Developers". This chapter explores new XML features in SQL Server 2000 and takes a look at how you can exploit them to your benefit. We will also take a look at how we can use XSL (Extensible S ....Read More
This is a link to a different site SQL 2000 and Web Services (XML and SQL part 11)
Total Hit (1016) In the last article of this series, we will focus on Web Services and their implementation in the SQL Server 2000 environment with the help of the SQLXML component. In particular, we will look into a non-programmatic way of publishing SQL Server 2000 stored procedures, user-defined functions and XML ....Read More
This is a link to a different site SQLISAPI and XML Client-Side Processing (XML and SQL part 10)
Total Hit (995) Throughout the most recent articles of this series, we have been covering a range of new features introduced in SQLXML 2.0. We are continuing this trend by presenting the client-side XML processing.
This is a link to a different site Using DiffGrams for XML data modifications (XML and SQL part 9)
Total Hit (1098) In a previous article of this series, I described using bulk loading of XML data with scripting interfaces included in the SQLXML version 2.0 and later. Now, we are going to explore another feature introduced in SQLXML version 2.0 (and enhanced in the version 3.0) called Diffgrams. ....Read More
This is a link to a different site XML and SQL 2000 (Part 8)
Total Hit (1131) So far, this series has concentrated on configuration options available via the graphical interface of IIS Virtual Directory Management for SQL Server. However, newer versions of SQLXML, in addition to the features we have already covered, provide another type of functionality, accessible through sc ....Read More
This is a link to a different site XML and SQL 2000 (Part 7)
Total Hit (1140) We are ready to conclude the discussion on various methods of extracting relational data from SQL Server 2000 in XML format via HTTP. All methods described in previous articles are available through SQL ISAPI extensions to Internet Information Server, implemented as IIS Virtual Directory Management ....Read More
This is a link to a different site XML and SQL 2000 (Part 6)
Total Hit (1286) In the previous article, I explained the meaning of the "Allow posted updategrams" and "Allow template queries" options on the Settings tab of the Virtual Directory Properties dialog box in IIS Virtual Directory Management for SQL Server tool. I also presented examples of taking advantage of these o ....Read More
This is a link to a different site XML and SQL 2000 (Part 4)
Total Hit (1227) In the fourth article of the series dealing with XML related features of SQL Server 2000, I will discuss the implications of various configuration options available when using IIS Virtual Directory Management for SQL Server. As described previously, the Settings tab of the Virtual Directory Properti ....Read More
This is a link to a different site XML and SQL 2000 (Part 3)
Total Hit (1169) In the third article of this series, we will look into executing T-SQL statements against SQL Server 2000 via HTTP. This functionality is provided by SQLXML component (implemented in the form of SQLISAPI.DLL, which is included as part of SQL Server 2000 installation). The updated versions of this co ....Read More
This is a link to a different site XML and SQL 2000 (Part 2)
Total Hit (1872) In the first article of the series, I explained the ways of presenting relational data in XML format using the FOR XML clause of the T-SQL SELECT statement. Now it is time to look into the reverse process of inserting XML formatted data into SQL databases using OpenXML function. ....Read More
This is a link to a different site XML and SQL 2000 (Part 1)
Total Hit (1279) One of the most common problems with managing data is its versatility. This becomes evident when exchanging data between multiple data sources and results mainly from incompatibilities in data representation and format. The impact of this type of problem affects most companies internally, but is eve ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Importing XML into SQL Server 2000
Total Hit (2522) One of the frequently asked questions on SQL Server newsgroups is "How to import XML data into SQL Server 2000?" There are various ways in which XML data can be imported into SQL Server 2000 database tables. In this article, we'll look at some of these options. More specifically, we'll explore the f ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Exporting SQL Data as XML
Total Hit (3329) In my last article, Importing XML into SQL Server 2000, we looked at various techniques to import the XML data into SQL Server. To complement that, this article will focus on some of the methods that you can use to export relational SQL data to the XML format. More specifically, we'll explore th ....Read More

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