This script can generate N number of Tables/Views and Stpored Procs in few seconds with some dummy data. I use this for stress testing and create dummy tables with data.
Change @howmanytables to create N number of tables and then set - @howmanycolumns to create N number of dummy columns per table with different datatypes - @howmanyrows to create N number of dummy rows per table
Also set @createprocs and @createviews to 1 if you want to create dummy views and procs for each table |
Click here to copy the following block | set nocount on
declare @howmanytables int declare @howmanycolumns int declare @howmanyrows int
set @howmanytables=1 set @howmanycolumns=350 set @howmanyrows = 500
declare @createprocs bit declare @createviews bit
set @createprocs=0 set @createviews=0
declare @cnt1 int declare @cnt2 int declare @cnt3 int
declare @tblname varchar(100)
declare @cols varchar(max) declare @collist varchar(max) declare @valuelist varchar(max) declare @nl char(2)
set @nl=char(13) + char(10)
declare @colname varchar(100) declare @sql varchar(max)
set @cnt1=1
while @cnt1<=@howmanytables begin set @cols='' set @cnt2=1 declare @insertCols varchar(max) declare @insertVals varchar(max) select @insertCols='',@insertVals='' while @cnt2<=@howmanycolumns begin set @colname='col_' + cast(@cnt2 as varchar(10)) if @cnt2=1 begin set @insertCols=@colname set @insertVals='''{row}''' set @cols=@colname + ' int not null primary key' end else begin set @insertCols=@insertCols + ',' + @colname set @insertVals=@insertVals + ',''R{row}-' + @colname + '''' set @cols=@cols + ',' + @colname + ' varchar(100) null' end set @cnt2=@cnt2+1 end set @tblname= 'table_' + cast(@cnt1 as varchar(10)) set @sql='create table ' + @tblname + '(' + @cols + ')'+ @nl print @sql execute (@sql)
declare @datascript varchar(max) set @datascript='' set @cnt3=1 while @cnt3<=@howmanyrows begin set @datascript = @datascript + 'insert into ' + @tblname + ' (' + @insertCols + ') values (' + replace(@insertVals,'{row}',cast(@cnt3 as varchar(20))) + ') ' + char(13) + char(10) if (@cnt3 % 100) = 0 begin exec(@datascript) set @datascript='' print 'create total ' + cast(@cnt3 as varchar(100)) + ' rows' end set @cnt3=@cnt3+1 end print 'create total ' + cast(@cnt3 as varchar(100)) + ' rows' exec(@datascript) if @createviews=1 begin set @sql='create view vw_' + @tblname + @nl + ' as ' + @nl + ' select * from ' + @tblname + @nl print @sql execute (@sql) end if @createprocs=1 begin set @sql='create proc usp_' + @tblname + @nl + ' as ' + @nl + ' select * from ' + @tblname + @nl print @sql execute (@sql) end set @cnt1=@cnt1+1 end |
Submitted By :
Nayan Patel
(Member Since : 5/26/2004 12:23:06 PM)

Job Description :
He is the moderator of this site and currently working as an independent consultant. He works with VB.net/ASP.net, SQL Server and other MS technologies. He is MCSD.net, MCDBA and MCSE. In his free time he likes to watch funny movies and doing oil painting. |
View all (893) submissions by this author
(Birth Date : 7/14/1981 ) |