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(Page 8 of 54) 1607 Result(s) found 


Poke - Write a value of any type into memory
Total Hit (3479)
HTMLEncode - Encode a string so that it can be displayed in a browser
Total Hit (3469)
OpenWindowsHelp - Bring up the Windows Help system
Total Hit (2283)
GetIESaveAsEnabled - Determine whether IE SaveAs command is enabled
Total Hit (2191)
DiscardMouseMessages - Prevent queud mouse actions from being processed
Total Hit (3281)
InstallPrinter - Install a new printer on the system
Total Hit (5706)
GetObjectGUID - Retrieve the GUID of a COM object
Total Hit (2795)
CTreeViewEdit - A class for enhanced treeview node editing
Total Hit (4388) «Code LangId=1»'------------------------------------------------------- ' The CTREEVIEWEDIT Class module ' ' This class lets you use a regular TextBox control to ' edit a treeview node's label. All you have to do to ' use this class is adding a TextBox control to the same ' form that hosts the ....Read More
ComboBoxSetHeight - Set a new height for the list portion of a ComboBox control
Total Hit (2431) «Code LangId=1» Private Type RECT Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type Private Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _ lpRect As RECT) As Long Private Declare Function ScreenToClientAny Lib "user32" Alias "ScreenToClient" ....Read More
FileExists - Check that a file exists
Total Hit (3811) «Code LangId=1»' Return True if a file exists Function FileExists(FileName As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' get the attributes and ensure that it isn't a directory FileExists = (GetAttr(FileName) And vbDirectory) = 0 ErrorHandler: ' if an error occurs, this ....Read More
ReplaceLast - Replace the last occurrence of a substring
Total Hit (2188) «Code LangId=1»' Replace the last occurrence of a string Function ReplaceLast(Expression As String, Find As String, ReplaceStr As String, _ Optional Compare As VbCompareMethod) As String Dim i As Long i = InStrRev(Expression, Find, , Compare) If i Then ' the search s ....Read More
InstrLast - Find the last occurrence of a substring
Total Hit (2915) «Code LangId=1» ' returns the last occurrence of a substring ' The syntax is similar to InStr Function InstrLast(ByVal Start As Long, Source As String, search As String, _ Optional CompareMethod As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare) As Long Do ' search the next occurrence ....Read More
Be careful when installing SHLWAPI.DLL with Visual Installer
Total Hit (1961) I happened to come across a serious problem when installing my own software with Visual Installer 1.1: the installation of my product on Windows 98 computers caused a system crash during the next Windows start-up. The only way to fix things was to reinstall Windows from CD, over the existent version ....Read More
Unrecognized Database Format Error Message with Access 2000 Databases
Total Hit (2694) The standard DAO Data control is designed to work with the Jet 3.5 Engine, whereas Access 2000 database can be accessed only by the more recent Jet 3.6 engine. For this reason, any attempt to access an Access 2000 database using the standard DAO Data control, as well as regular DAO commands, is doom ....Read More
Pass the hidden Global object to an ActiveX DLL
Total Hit (3201) An ActiveX DLL doesn't have direct access to the environment of the calling EXE. For example, the App and Printer objects in the DLL don't correspond to the objects with the same name in the main application, therefore if you want to print something from the DLL using the same settings as the main a ....Read More
Get or Set the height of TreeView nodes
Total Hit (3951) In plain VB there is no way to determine or change the height of node elements in a TreeView control. All you need to accomplish both tasks, however, is send the right message to the control. «Code LangId=1» Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal _ hW ....Read More
References to form and controls prevent complete form unloading
Total Hit (1803) When you assign a reference to a form (or one of its controls) to an object variable which is stored outside the form module, you must set the variable to Nothing or the form won't be completely unloaded. In other words, it will become invisible but will continue to take memory. Note that this i ....Read More
Check whether a string array contains an item (without a loop)
Total Hit (2636) To determine whether a String array contains a given item it seems that you can't avoid writing a loop. However, you can do it with just one line of code, using the new VB6 Join function: «Code LangId=1» ' ARR is an array of string, SEARCH is the value to be searched Found = InStr(1, vbNullChar ....Read More
How to display Advanced document property of a selected printer ?
Total Hit (3632) This demo will show you how to use AdvancedDocumentProperties function to displays a printer-configuration dialog box for the specified printer, allowing the user to configure that printer. «b»Step-By-Step Example«/b» - Create a standard exe project - Place following code in form1 code windo ....Read More
How to modify (Add/Remove) System Menu using API ?
Total Hit (12413) In this article you will learn how to modify system menu (control menu). You will also learn how to handle event of newly added menu item. To modify system menu first you have to call GetSystemMenu api to get handle of system menu and then you can all other menu APIs (i.e. GetMenuItemCount, Appen ....Read More
Display all files in a specified directory or a path
Total Hit (1793)
Read Excel and Text Files Using ADO
Total Hit (4751)
How to implement chm Help to Visual Basic Applications
Total Hit (2463) 'Put a command button to your form and name it cmdHelp Private Sub cmdHelp_Click() 'This is only a example ShowHtmlHelp App.path & "\MyHelp.chm", "Introduction.htm" End Sub
This is a link to a different site Mail Checker Sample Application
Total Hit (2554) the tutorial that shows you all the steps of creating of the simple application for receiving e-mail.
This is a link to a different site Translating a Mapped Drive to a UNC Path
Total Hit (1631) WNetGetConnection, when passed the drive letter of a mapped drive, will return the full UNC path to the \\server\share that drive is mapped to. By adding a few Shell APIs we can create wrapper routines to perform tests on the constituent portions of the mapped path to assure the returned value point ....Read More
This is a link to a different site How to Reorder ListView Columns Programmatically
Total Hit (1413) We have seen how to allow the user to reorder columns by sending the HEADERDRAGDROP message. The listview control provides another means to reorder the report view columns - programmatically via the COLUMNORDERARRAY message. This page demonstrates this technique. The principle is simple. We dim ....Read More
This is a link to a different site A NT eventlog monitor with filters, and many options. Author: Richard Puckett
Total Hit (2357)
This is a link to a different site Using PSAPI to get a complete task list and memory usage.
Total Hit (3952) PSAPI.DLL is a DLL provided for NT/2000/XP systems which greatly simplifies the job of getting task list and memory usage information. The information is also available in the dyamic data section of the registry, but the format is fairly obstructive and it is a considerable task to extract it progra ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Optimised Colour Reduction Using Octrees
Total Hit (808) Describes the working of the Octree colour quantisation algorithm be used to create optimised colour palettes of arbitrary depth (although typically used for 256 colours) from any image and compares the results with other colour reduction methods.
This is a link to a different site Saving Pictures to JPG Files Using the Intel JPEG Library
Total Hit (2002) Whilst Visual Basic provides support for loading graphic files in various formats into a StdPicture object, it sadly forgets about all of these when it comes to saving the file again. You normally only have one choice of file format for writing: a BMP at the system colour depth. Whilst there are ....Read More

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