Private Declare Function GetFileSecurity Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _ "GetFileSecurityA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal RequestedInformation _ As Long, pSecurityDescriptor As Byte, ByVal nLength As Long, _ lpnLengthNeeded As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetSecurityDescriptorOwner Lib "advapi32.dll" _ (pSecurityDescriptor As Any, pOwner As Long, lpbOwnerDefaulted As Long) As _ Long Private Declare Function LookupAccountSid Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _ "LookupAccountSidA" (ByVal lpSystemName As String, ByVal Sid As Long, _ ByVal name As String, cbName As Long, ByVal ReferencedDomainName As String, _ cbReferencedDomainName As Long, peUse As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "GetWindowsDirectoryA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, _ ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
Function GetFileOwner(ByVal szfilename As String) As String Dim bSuccess As Long Dim sizeSD As Long Dim pOwner As Long Dim ownerName As String Dim domain_name As String Dim name_len As Long Dim domain_len As Long Dim sdBuf() As Byte Dim nLength As Long Dim deUse As Long bSuccess = GetFileSecurity(szfilename, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, 0, 0&, _ sizeSD) If (bSuccess = 0) And (Err.LastDllError <> ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) Then _ Exit Function ReDim sdBuf(0 To sizeSD - 1) As Byte bSuccess = GetFileSecurity(szfilename, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, sdBuf(0), _ sizeSD, sizeSD) If bSuccess = 0 Then Exit Function bSuccess = GetSecurityDescriptorOwner(sdBuf(0), pOwner, 0&) If bSuccess = 0 Then Exit Function
bSuccess = LookupAccountSid(vbNullString, pOwner, ownerName, name_len, _ domain_name, domain_len, deUse) If (bSuccess = 0) And (Err.LastDllError <> ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) Then _ Exit Function
ownerName = Space(name_len - 1) domain_name = Space(domain_len - 1)
bSuccess = LookupAccountSid(vbNullString, pOwner, ownerName, name_len, _ domain_name, domain_len, deUse) If bSuccess = 0 Then Exit Function GetFileOwner = ownerName End Function |