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TimeToString - Convert time to a descriptive string

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' convert a date value into a string in the format
'   YY years, MM months, DD days, HH hours, MM minutes, SS.HH seconds)
' you can also opt for time short format (HH h, MM m, SS s)

Function TimeToString(ByVal aDate As Date, Optional ShortTimeFormat As Boolean, _
  Optional showHundredths As Boolean) As String

  Dim y As Long, m As Long, d As Long
  Dim ho As Long, mi As Long, se As Long, hu As Long
  Dim res As String
  Dim days As Double
  days = CDbl(aDate)
  ' evaluate (approximate) year, month, and day
  y = Int(days / 365.25)
  m = (days - Int(y * 365.25)) \ 30
  d = (days - Int(y * 365.25) - m * 30)
  ' make some adjustments
  If d >= 30 Then
    m = m + 1
    d = d Mod 30
  End If
  If m >= 12 Then
    y = y + 1
    m = m Mod 12
  End If
  ' evaluate hours, minutes, and seconds
  ' 8640000 = number of Hundredths of seconds in a day
  hu = (days - Int(days)) * 8640000
  ho = (hu \ 360000)
  mi = (hu - ho * 360000) \ 6000
  se = (hu - ho * 360000 - mi * 6000) \ 100
  hu = hu Mod 1000
  ' build the result string
  If y Then
    res = CStr(y) & " year" & IIf(y <> 1, "s", "") & ", "
  End If
  If m Or Len(res) Then
    res = res & CStr(m) & " month" & IIf(m <> 1, "s", "") & ", "
  End If
  If d Or Len(res) Then
    res = res & CStr(d) & " day" & IIf(d <> 1, "s", "") & ", "
  End If
  If ho Or Len(res) Then
    res = res & CStr(ho) & IIf(ShortTimeFormat, " h", " hour" & IIf(ho <> 1, _
      "s", "")) & ", "
  End If

  If mi Or Len(res) Then
    res = res & CStr(mi) & IIf(ShortTimeFormat, " m", _
      " minute" & IIf(mi <> 1, "s", "")) & ", "
  End If
  ' always display seconds
  res = res & CStr(se) & IIf(ShortTimeFormat, " s", " second" & IIf(se <> 1, _
    "s", ""))
  TimeToString = res
End Function

Submitted By : Nayan Patel  (Member Since : 5/26/2004 12:23:06 PM)

Job Description : He is the moderator of this site and currently working as an independent consultant. He works with, SQL Server and other MS technologies. He is, MCDBA and MCSE. In his free time he likes to watch funny movies and doing oil painting.
View all (893) submissions by this author  (Birth Date : 7/14/1981 )

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