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Base Conversion module - A module to convert numbers between any bases
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'  Module:   mBases
'  (C) 2000 Trinet Ltd,
'  Author:   R. Deeming (
'  Purpose:  To provide simple conversion between different
'        number bases, including fractional parts.
'        An example of advanced conversion is included:
'        the sexagesimal (base 60) system. For this
'        example, the numbers are represented as a
'        2-digit number from 0 to 59, followed by a colon.
'        For example, ConvertBase("12:30:", ebSexagesimal)
'        will return 750 (12 * 60 + 30). Note that the
'        structure of the number is strict - "12:30" and
'        "12:5:" are not valid numbers, but "12:30:" and
'        "12:05:" are.
'        When there are errors in the number, the code
'        will raise error 13, with a meaningful message.
'        To change the error number, change the constant
'        ERROR_NUMBER, or modify the code.
'  You may use and distribute this code, but you may not charge
'  for it or present it as your own work. If you find any bugs
'  in this code, please notify the author.
'  This code is provided "As-Is" - if it doesn't work, we accept
'  no responsibility.

' A complete explanation of bases is beyond the scope of this
' code, but a brief explanation is included.
' A number is represented as a series of digits, arranged in
' columns. The number of available digits is the same as the
' base of the number. Each column is indexed, starting at 0 for
' the "units" column, and the value of the column is equal to
' the base raised to the power of the index. We are accustomed to
' seeing this in decimal (base 10):
'  Index  2  1  0  .  -1 -2
'  ------------------------------
'  Value  2  3  4  .  2  5
' representing two hundred and thirty four and one quarter. This
' also applies to other bases. For example, in binary (base 2):
'  Index  2  1  0  .  -1 -2
'  ------------------------------
'  Value  1  0  1  .  0  1
' represents five and one quarter -
' 1 * 2^2 + 0 * 2^1 + 1 * 2^0 + 0 * 2^-1 + 1 * 2^-2
' = 4 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 0.25 = 5.25
' This concept extends to bases of any whole number greater than
' 1, and is limited only by the number of available symbols.

' To add more bases, perform the following steps:
'  1. Add the base to the Bases enum, and set its value to
'   the base (e.g. for base 4, add "ebBase4 = 4&"
'  2. If the base is greater than 10, or requires non-standard
'   representation of the numbers, add a private const with
'   the characters used to represent the digits (see
'   hexadecimal for an example), or modify the DigitLength
'   function and other functions (see ebSexagesimal)
'  3. In the procedures ConvertDigit and DeconvertDigit, add
'   the new base to the select statement. If you are using a
'   standard representation of a base <= 10, add the new enum
'   value to the first select statement. Otherwise, copy and
'   modify the hexadecimal option.
' Example:
'  Add ebAlphabet, a base 26 option in which all digits are
'  represented as letters of the alphabet.
'  Public Enum Bases
'  ...
'    ebAlphabet = 26&
'  Private Function ConvertDigit(...)
'  ...
'    Case ebAlphabet:
'      ConvertDigit = Mid$(AlphaChars, lngDigit + 1, 1)
'  Private Function DeconvertDigit(...)
'  ...
'    Case ebAlphabet:
'      lngTemp = InStr(1, AlphaChars, strDigit)
'      If lngTemp = 0 Then
'        err.raise error_number, "DeconvertDigit",
' "Invalid Alpha Character"
'      Else
'        DeconvertDigit = lngTemp - 1
'      End If
Option Explicit

Private Const ERROR_NUMBER = 13&

Private Const HexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF"

Public Enum Bases
  ebBinary = 2&
  ebOctal = 8&
  ebDecimal = 10&
  ebHexadecimal = 16&
  ebAlphabet = 26&
  ebSexagesimal = 60&   'Base 60, e.g. time
End Enum

Private Function DigitLength(Base As Bases) As Long
'Return the length of a digit in a given base
  Select Case Base
    Case ebSexagesimal:
      DigitLength = 3
    'Add other special cases here
    Case Else  'ebBinary, ebOctal, ebDecimal, ebHexadecimal
      DigitLength = 1
  End Select
End Function

Private Function Floor(ByVal Number As Double) As Double
'Return the floor of the number
'(the highest whole number less than or equal to the number)
  If Int(Number) > Number Then
    Floor = Int(Number) - 1
    Floor = Int(Number)
  End If
End Function

Private Function GetNumDec(dblTemp As Double, PadTo As Long, _
  Base As Bases) As Long
'Return the number of digits required to represent
'the number dblTemp in the specified base, padded
'to the nearest multiple of PadTo

Dim lTemp As Long, lTempPad As Double
  If dblTemp = 0 Then
    lTemp = 1
    lTemp = Floor(Log(dblTemp) / Log(Base)) + 1
  End If
  If PadTo > 1 Then
    lTempPad = lTemp / CDbl(PadTo)
    If lTempPad > Floor(lTempPad) Then
      lTempPad = 1 + Floor(lTempPad) - lTempPad
      lTempPad = lTempPad * PadTo
      lTemp = lTemp + lTempPad
    End If
  End If
  GetNumDec = lTemp
End Function

Private Function ConvertDigit(lngDigit As Long, Base As Bases) As String
'Convert a single digit to the specified base
  If lngDigit >= Base Then
    Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "ConvertDigit", "Invalid digit for base"
    Select Case Base
      Case ebBinary, ebOctal, ebDecimal:
        ConvertDigit = CStr(lngDigit)
      Case ebHexadecimal:
        ConvertDigit = Mid$(HexChars, lngDigit + 1, 1)
      Case ebAlphabet:
        ConvertDigit = Mid$(AlphaChars, lngDigit + 1, 1)
      Case ebSexagesimal:
        ConvertDigit = Right$("00" & CStr(lngDigit), 2) & ":"
      'Add other bases here
      Case Else: Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "ConvertDigit", "Unknown base"
    End Select
  End If
End Function

Private Function DeconvertDigit(strDigit As String, Base As Bases) As Long
'Convert a single digit from the specified base to decimal
Dim lngTemp As Long
  Select Case Base
    Case ebBinary, ebOctal, ebDecimal:
      If IsNumeric(strDigit) Then
        lngTemp = CLng(strDigit)
        If lngTemp < Base Then
          DeconvertDigit = lngTemp
          Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "DeconvertDigit", _
            "Invalid digit for base"
        End If
        Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "DeconvertDigit", "Invalid character"
      End If
    Case ebHexadecimal:
      lngTemp = InStr(1, HexChars, UCase$(strDigit))
      If lngTemp = 0 Then
        Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "DeconvertDigit", _
          "Invalid digit for base"
        DeconvertDigit = lngTemp - 1
      End If
    Case ebAlphabet:
      lngTemp = InStr(1, AlphaChars, UCase$(strDigit))
      If lngTemp = 0 Then
        Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "DeconvertDigit", _
          "Invalid Alpha Character"
        DeconvertDigit = lngTemp - 1
      End If
    Case ebSexagesimal:
      If Len(strDigit) = 3 Then
        If Right$(strDigit, 1) = ":" And IsNumeric(Left$(strDigit, _
          2)) Then
          lngTemp = CLng(Left$(strDigit, 2))
          If lngTemp < Base Then
            DeconvertDigit = lngTemp
            Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "DeconvertDigit", _
              "Invalid digit for base"
          End If
          Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "DeconvertDigit", _
            "Invalid digit for base"
        End If
        Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "DeconvertDigit", _
          "Invalid digit for base"
      End If
    'Add other bases here
    Case Else:
      Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "DeconvertDigit", "Unknown base"
  End Select
End Function

Private Function ConvertDec2Base(ByVal Number, ByVal Base As Bases, _
  Optional NumDecimals As Long = -1, Optional Tolerance As Double = 1E-27, _
  Optional PadTo As Long = 0) As String
'Convert Number from decimal to the specified base,
'with NumDecimals fractional digits (or to within tolerance),
'padded to the nearest multiple of PadTo

Dim dblTemp As Double
Dim lCDec As Long
Dim lDigit As Long
Dim dblPwr As Double
Dim strTemp As String

  If Not IsNumeric(Number) Then
    Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "ConvertDec2Base", "Number must be decimal"
  ElseIf Base < 2 Then
    Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "ConvertDec2Base", "Invalid base"
    'Negative tolerance could cause loops
    Tolerance = Abs(Tolerance)
    dblTemp = CDbl(Number)
    If dblTemp < 0 Then
      strTemp = "-"
      dblTemp = -dblTemp
    End If
    lCDec = GetNumDec(dblTemp, PadTo, Base)
    'Integer part
    If lCDec = 0 Then
      strTemp = strTemp & "0"
      Do Until lCDec = 0
        lCDec = lCDec - 1
        dblPwr = Base ^ lCDec
        lDigit = 0
        Do While dblTemp >= dblPwr
          lDigit = lDigit + 1
          dblTemp = dblTemp - dblPwr
        strTemp = strTemp & ConvertDigit(lDigit, Base)
    End If
    'Fractional part
    If dblTemp > Tolerance And (NumDecimals > 0 Or (NumDecimals = -1 And _
      Tolerance > 0)) Then
      strTemp = strTemp & "."
      Do While dblTemp > Tolerance And (lCDec > (-NumDecimals) Or _
        NumDecimals = -1)
        lCDec = lCDec - 1
        dblPwr = Base ^ lCDec
        lDigit = 0
        Do While dblTemp >= dblPwr
          lDigit = lDigit + 1
          dblTemp = dblTemp - dblPwr
        strTemp = strTemp & ConvertDigit(lDigit, Base)
    End If
    ConvertDec2Base = strTemp
  End If
End Function

Private Function ConvertBase2Dec(ByVal Number As String, _
  ByVal Base As Bases) As Double
'Convert the number from the specified base to decimal
Dim dblTemp As Double
Dim strDigit As String, lngDigit As Long, i As Long
Dim lngPwr As Long, lngSign As Long, lngDigitSize
  If Base < 2 Then
    Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "ConvertBase2Dec", "Invalid Base"
    lngDigitSize = DigitLength(Base)
    lngPwr = 0
    lngSign = 1
    i = 1
    Do Until i > Len(Number)
      strDigit = Mid$(Number, i, lngDigitSize)
      If Left$(strDigit, 1) = "." Then
        i = i + 1
        If lngPwr = 0 Then
          lngPwr = 1
          Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "ConvertBase2Dec", _
            "More than one decimal point"
        End If
      ElseIf Left$(strDigit, 1) = "-" Then
        i = i + 1
        If lngPwr = 0 And dblTemp = 0 Then
          lngSign = -lngSign
          Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "ConvertBase2Dec", _
            "Invalid negation"
        End If
        i = i + lngDigitSize
        lngDigit = DeconvertDigit(strDigit, Base)
        dblTemp = dblTemp * Base + lngDigit
        lngPwr = lngPwr * Base
      End If
    If lngPwr > 1 Then
      ConvertBase2Dec = CDbl(lngSign) * (dblTemp / CDbl(lngPwr))
      ConvertBase2Dec = CDbl(lngSign) * dblTemp
    End If
  End If
End Function

Public Function ConvertBase(ByVal Number, ByVal FromBASE As Bases, _
  Optional ByVal ToBASE As Bases = ebDecimal, Optional NumDecimals As Long = - _
  1, Optional Tolerance As Double = 1E-27, Optional PadTo As Long = 0) As _
'Convert a number from one base to another.
'    Number   A numeric value (when FromBASE = ebDecimal) or
'          a string representing the number to convert
'    FromBASE  The base to convert from (enumeration)
'    ToBASE   (Optional) The base to convert to. Default = Decimal
'    NumDecimals (Optional) The number of decimal places to include
'          when converting a fractional number to a non-decimal
'          Specify 0 for integer only, or -1 to use tolerance.
'          (This prevents problems with infinte loops)
'    Tolerance  (Optional) The value at which to terminate the
'          fractional representation. If NumDecimals = -1
'          and Tolerance = 0, no attempt will be made, to
'          avoid an infinite loop. The sign of the tolerance
'          is ignored.
'    PadTo    (Optional) Used to pad the non-decimal number
'          to a given length. EG, binary numbers are
'          normally shown with a multiple of 8 digits, so
'          you would specify 8. Use 0 to avoid padding.
'    Either a double (if ToBASE = ebDecimal) or a string representing
'    the converted number.

Dim dblDec As Double
  If FromBASE = ebDecimal Then
    If IsNumeric(Number) Then
      dblDec = CDbl(Number)
      Err.Raise ERROR_NUMBER, "ConvertBase", "Not a decimal number"
    End If
    dblDec = ConvertBase2Dec(CStr(Number), FromBASE)
  End If
  If ToBASE = ebDecimal Then
    ConvertBase = dblDec
    ConvertBase = ConvertDec2Base(dblDec, ToBASE, NumDecimals, Tolerance, _
  End If
End Function

Public Function LogB(ByVal dblNumber As Double, ByVal lBase As Long) As Double
  LogB = Log(dblNumber) / Log(lBase)
End Function

Submitted By : Nayan Patel  (Member Since : 5/26/2004 12:23:06 PM)

Job Description : He is the moderator of this site and currently working as an independent consultant. He works with, SQL Server and other MS technologies. He is, MCDBA and MCSE. In his free time he likes to watch funny movies and doing oil painting.
View all (893) submissions by this author  (Birth Date : 7/14/1981 )

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