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LinkedList - a class module to store list of values

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' LINKED LIST class module
' This class implements a linked list structure, where you can store
' values (appending them after the last element or inserting them at
' given indexes), remove them, and visit them using recordset-like
' methods such as MoveFirst, MoveNext, and Move(n)
' NOTE: make Item the default member for this class
'    you can do so from inside the Tools | Procedure Attributes dialog box
' Usage:
'  Dim ll As New LinkedList
'  ' optionally size the inner array
'  ll.SetSize 10000
'  ' add new elements (can optionally take Before or After element)
'  ' returns the index where the element has been stored
newIndex = ll.Add newValue
'  ' loop over all elements
'  ll.MoveFirst
'  Do Until ll.EOL
'    ' display or process the current element
'    Print ll.Item
'    ' move to next element
'  Loop
'  See remarks for the FIND method for details about performing searches
'  on the elements in the linked list

Option Explicit

' these are used by the Find method
Public Enum FindConditionConstants
End Enum

' initial size of the list
' how many items are allocated each time

Private Type ListType
  Value As Variant
  prevNdx As Long  ' -1 if the element is free
  nextNdx As Long
End Type

' the actual list
Dim List() As ListType
' number of items in the list
Dim m_Count As Long

' index of first/last item in the list
Private FirstNdx As Long
Private LastNdx As Long
' index of first free item in the list
Private FreeNdx As Long

' chucnk size
Private m_ChunkSize As Long

' index to the current element
Private m_CurrIndex As Long
' current EOL status of the list
' (is valid only when m_CurrIndex = 0)
Private m_EOL As Boolean   ' if False, then BOL is true

' the index of the current element

Property Get CurrIndex() As Long
  CurrIndex = m_CurrIndex
End Property

Property Let CurrIndex(ByVal newValue As Long)
  m_CurrIndex = newValue
End Property

' move to the first element

Sub MoveFirst()
  m_CurrIndex = FirstNdx
End Sub

' move to the last element

Sub MoveLast()
  m_CurrIndex = LastNdx
End Sub

' move the the previous element

Sub MovePrevious()
  ' this code works also when m_CurrIndex = 0
  m_CurrIndex = List(m_CurrIndex).prevNdx
  ' in case we move too much
  m_EOL = False
End Sub

' move to the next element

Sub MoveNext()
  ' this code works also when m_CurrIndex = 0
  m_CurrIndex = List(m_CurrIndex).nextNdx
  ' in case we move too much
  m_EOL = True
End Sub

' move to the Nth element

Sub Move(ByVal Index As Long)
  CheckIndex Index
  ' if there were no error, then update the current Index
  m_CurrIndex = Index
End Sub

' Return true if we are at the beginning of list

Property Get BOL() As Boolean
  BOL = (m_Count = 0) Or (m_CurrIndex = 0 And m_EOL = False)
End Property

' Return true if we are at the end of list

Property Get EOL() As Boolean
  EOL = (m_Count = 0) Or (m_CurrIndex = 0 And m_EOL = True)
End Property

' An item of the list (read-write)
' if the argument is omitted it retrieves the current item

Property Get Item(Optional ByVal Index As Long) As Variant
Attribute Item.VB_UserMemId = 0
  If Index = 0 Then Index = m_CurrIndex
  ' check that the index point to a valid, non-free element
  CheckIndex Index
  ' two cases: the value is/isn't an object
  If IsObject(List(Index).Value) Then
    Set Item = List(Index).Value
    Item = List(Index).Value
  End If
End Property

Property Let Item(Optional ByVal Index As Long, newValue As Variant)
  If Index = 0 Then Index = m_CurrIndex
  ' check that this is a valid, non-free item
  CheckIndex Index
  ' modify the value in the list
  List(Index).Value = newValue
End Property

Property Set Item(Optional ByVal Index As Long, newValue As Object)
  If Index = 0 Then Index = m_CurrIndex
  ' check that this is a valid, non-free item
  CheckIndex Index
  ' modify the value in the list
  Set List(Index).Value = newValue
End Property

' return True if the list is empty

Property Get IsEmpty() As Boolean
  IsEmpty = (m_Count = 0)
End Property

' the number of elements in the list

Property Get Count() As Long
  Count = m_Count
End Property

' insert a new item before/after a given element
' if both arguments are omitted it is appended to the end of the list
' a zero or negative value for Before means "at the beginning of the list"
' and works also when the list is empty
' returns the index of the new value

Function Add(Value As Variant, Optional ByVal Before As Long, _
  Optional ByVal After As Long) As Long
  Dim ndx As Long
  Dim nextFreeNdx As Long
  ' enlarge the list if necessary
  If FreeNdx = 0 Then ExpandList m_ChunkSize
  ' use the first free slot
  ndx = FreeNdx
  nextFreeNdx = List(ndx).nextNdx
  ' a special value for Before that means "at the beginning of the list"
  If Before < 0 Then Before = FirstNdx
  If Before > 0 Then
    ' check that this is a valid, non-free item
    CheckIndex Before
    ' "Before" item becomes this item's next element
    List(ndx).nextNdx = Before
    ' "Before"'s previous element becomes this item's previous element
    List(ndx).prevNdx = List(Before).prevNdx
    ' "Before's" previous element should point to this item
    List(Before).prevNdx = ndx
    If Before = FirstNdx Then
      ' "Before" was the first item in the list
      FirstNdx = ndx
      ' else, another item's next element points to this item
      List(List(ndx).prevNdx).nextNdx = ndx
    End If
  ElseIf After > 0 Then
    ' check that this is a valid, non-free item
    CheckIndex After
    ' "After" item becomes this item's previous element
    List(ndx).prevNdx = After
    ' "After" item's next element becomes this item's next element
    List(ndx).nextNdx = List(After).nextNdx
    ' "After"'s next element should point to this item
    List(After).nextNdx = ndx
    If After = LastNdx Then
      ' "After" was the last item in the list
      LastNdx = ndx
      ' else, another item's previous element points to this item
      List(List(ndx).nextNdx).prevNdx = ndx
    End If
    ' append at the end of the list
    If LastNdx Then
      ' this item becomes the "next" item of the
      ' item that was at the end of the list
      List(LastNdx).nextNdx = ndx
      List(ndx).prevNdx = LastNdx
      ' this is the first and only item in the list
      FirstNdx = ndx
      ' signal that this item isn't free any longer
      List(ndx).prevNdx = 0
    End If
    ' in all cases this becomes the last item in the list
    LastNdx = ndx
    List(ndx).nextNdx = 0
  End If
  ' actually store the new value
  If IsObject(Value) Then
    Set List(ndx).Value = Value
    List(ndx).Value = Value
  End If
  ' remember we have a new item
  m_Count = m_Count + 1
  ' FreeNdx must point to the first free slot
  FreeNdx = nextFreeNdx
  ' return the index of the element just added
  Add = ndx
End Function

' remove an item given its index
' if the index is omitted it removes the current item
' if the item is also the current item, then its subsequent
' element becomes the current item (if it was the last element
' then the EOL condition becomes True)

Sub Remove(Optional ByVal Index As Long)
  If Index = 0 Then Index = m_CurrIndex
  ' check that this is a valid, non-free item
  CheckIndex Index
  If Index = FirstNdx Then
    ' the item being removed is the first of the list
    FirstNdx = List(Index).nextNdx
    List(FirstNdx).prevNdx = 0
  ElseIf Index = LastNdx Then
    ' the item being removed is the last of the list
    ' but the list contains at least another item
    LastNdx = List(Index).prevNdx
    List(LastNdx).nextNdx = 0
    ' the item is in the middle of the list
    List(List(Index).prevNdx).nextNdx = List(Index).nextNdx
    List(List(Index).nextNdx).prevNdx = List(Index).prevNdx
  End If

  ' clear this item's value
  List(Index).Value = Empty
  ' remember we have one element less
  m_Count = m_Count - 1
  ' if this was the current item, update m_CurrIndex
  If Index = m_CurrIndex Then
    m_CurrIndex = List(Index).nextNdx
    ' if it was the last element of the list
    If m_CurrIndex = 0 Then m_EOL = True
  End If
  ' put it at the beginning of the free list
  List(Index).nextNdx = FreeNdx
  ' mark it as free
  List(Index).prevNdx = -1
  FreeNdx = Index
End Sub

' remove all items
' this method also resets any SetSize setting

Sub RemoveAll()
  ' it simply restarts from the very beginning
End Sub

' search a value in the list
' STARTINDEX is the index of the element from where to
' start the search - use ZERO or omitted to start from
' the current element, use -1 to start from first/last element
' if DESCENDING is True then it does a reverse search
' returns the index of the found element, or zero if not found
' the element also becomes the current element

Function Find(Value As Variant, Optional Condition As FindConditionConstants = _
  fccEqual, Optional ByVal StartIndex As Long, Optional ByVal Descending As _
  Boolean) As Long
  Dim isObj As Boolean
  ' provide reasonable defaults
  If StartIndex = 0 Then
    StartIndex = m_CurrIndex
  ElseIf StartIndex < 0 Then
    If Not Descending Then
      StartIndex = FirstNdx
      StartIndex = LastNdx
    End If
    ' check that this index is valid
    CheckIndex StartIndex
    ' start from the next or previous element
    If Not Descending Then
      StartIndex = List(StartIndex).nextNdx
      StartIndex = List(StartIndex).prevNdx
    End If
  End If
  ' evaluate this once and for all
  isObj = IsObject(Value)
  ' two loops, depending on value being an object or not
  Do While StartIndex
    If isObj Then
      ' do the comparison only if the element is also an object
      If IsObject(List(StartIndex).Value) Then
        If Value Is List(StartIndex).Value Then
          ' exit if we're looking for equality
          If Condition <> fccNotEqual Then Exit Do
          ' exit if we're looking for inequality
          If Condition = fccNotEqual Then Exit Do
        End If
      End If
      ' do the comparison only if the element isn't an object
      If Not IsObject(List(StartIndex).Value) Then
        Select Case Condition
          Case fccNotEqual
            If List(StartIndex).Value <> Value Then Exit Do
          Case fccLess
            If List(StartIndex).Value < Value Then Exit Do
          Case fccLessEqual
            If List(StartIndex).Value <= Value Then Exit Do
          Case fccGreater
            If List(StartIndex).Value > Value Then Exit Do
          Case fccGreaterEqual
            If List(StartIndex).Value >= Value Then Exit Do
          Case fccInStr
            If InStr(List(StartIndex).Value, Value) Then Exit Do
          Case Else
            ' equality is the default test
            If List(StartIndex).Value = Value Then Exit Do
        End Select
      End If
    End If
    ' skip to the next or previous item
    If Not Descending Then
      StartIndex = List(StartIndex).nextNdx
      StartIndex = List(StartIndex).prevNdx
    End If
  ' make the item the current item and return its index
  m_CurrIndex = StartIndex
  Find = StartIndex
End Function

' modify the list size and growth factor
' you can expand but not shrink a linked list

Sub SetSize(ByVal numEls As Long, Optional ByVal ChunkSize As Long)
  ' raise an error if invalid arguments
  If numEls <= 0 Or ChunkSize < 0 Then Err.Raise 5
  If numEls > UBound(List) Then
    ' expand the list
    ExpandList numEls - UBound(List)
  End If
  ' remember new ChunkSize
  m_ChunkSize = ChunkSize
End Sub

' Private procedures

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  ' initialize the linked list of free slots
  ReDim List(0) As ListType
End Sub

' check that there is at least one free slot

Private Sub ExpandList(ByVal numEls As Long)
  Dim ndx As Long, newFreeNdx As Long
  ' this will be the first free slot
  newFreeNdx = UBound(List) + 1
  ' expand the list
  ReDim Preserve List(UBound(List) + numEls) As ListType
  ' initialize the links for free items
  ' (note that the nextNdx value for the last element isn't correct
  For ndx = newFreeNdx To UBound(List)
    List(ndx).nextNdx = ndx + 1
    List(ndx).prevNdx = -1
  ' append the existing chain of free slots
  ' (fixes the invalid value stored previously)
  List(UBound(List)).nextNdx = FreeNdx
  ' this is the new start of the free list
  FreeNdx = newFreeNdx
End Sub

' check whether an index is valid

Sub CheckIndex(ByVal Index As Long)
  If Index <= 0 Or Index > UBound(List) Then Err.Raise 5
  If List(Index).prevNdx < 0 Then Err.Raise 5
End Sub

Submitted By : Nayan Patel  (Member Since : 5/26/2004 12:23:06 PM)

Job Description : He is the moderator of this site and currently working as an independent consultant. He works with, SQL Server and other MS technologies. He is, MCDBA and MCSE. In his free time he likes to watch funny movies and doing oil painting.
View all (893) submissions by this author  (Birth Date : 7/14/1981 )

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