Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
01/28/2004 VB Registry-INI How to check Remote Registry using registry api in VB?
01/28/2004 SQL Server Server Operations How to check file size of all databases on the server.
01/26/2004 VB Registry-INI How to read value from remote registry ?
01/23/2004 SQL Server Stored Procedure T-SQL code to log messages to a text file on the server, from your stored procedures and SQL scripts
01/23/2004 SQL Server Stored Procedure Stored procedure to generate a simple or complex random password
01/23/2004 SQL Server Stored Procedure Procedure to import SQL Server error log into a table (SQL 2000)
01/23/2004 SQL Server Trigger Code to find out the statement that caused the trigger to fire!
01/23/2004 SQL Server Stored Procedure How to search all columns of all tables in a database for a keyword?
01/23/2004 SQL Server Server Operations I can change the login audit levels in Enterprise Manager. But how can I do the same programmatically?
01/23/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to concatenate the values of a column in all rows into one row?
01/23/2004 SQL Server Stored Procedure Send E-Mail Without Using SQL Mail in SQL Server.
01/23/2004 SQL Server Database Design How to transfer database diagrams to a different database?
01/23/2004 SQL Server Stored Procedure send NET SEND messages to all the connected SQL Server users in an NT Local Arean Network
01/23/2004 SQL Server Stored Procedure Find out the nth highest number in a column.
01/23/2004 SQL Server Stored Procedure generate INSERT statements from existing data.
01/23/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to reset Identity of Autonumber column?
01/17/2004 SQL Server Server Operations Handling database file growth
01/16/2004 SQL Server Locks-Transactions SQL Server Lock ( NOLOCK and ROWLOCK )
01/14/2004 VB String Load string to byte array with very simple way without any API.
01/14/2004 SQL Server User Defined Function How to perform case-sensitive searches on a case-insensitive server/table/column?
01/14/2004 SQL Server User Defined Function UDF in CHECK & DEFAULT CONSTRAINTS.
01/14/2004 SQL Server Server Operations How to get the data, tools & SQL path when there are several instances on the same server?
01/14/2004 SQL Server Server Operations Examples that show how to use the COLLATION features in SQL Server 2000.
01/14/2004 SQL Server Server Operations Get SQL Server Details ( Edition , License ... etc ).
01/14/2004 SQL Server Performance How to use the CHECKSUM function to find orphan rows & duplicates?
01/14/2004 SQL Server Performance How to perform case-sensitive ordering on case-insensitive servers?
01/14/2004 SQL Server Performance Analyze Trace File data using T-SQL.
01/14/2004 SQL Server User Defined Function Scalar Function Example.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to use checksum in distributed queries.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to check for the existence of a database on a server?
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