How to transfer database diagrams to a different database?
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Database diagrams are stored in the 'dtproperties' table within the database. So, database diagrams can be transferred to a different database, by transferring the contents of this table.
For example , run the following query to transfer the diagram named 'MyTableDesign' from 'pubs' database to '
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Using Microsoft SQL Server Constraints
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In this article, I want to tell you about SQL Server constraints: what a constraint is, when it is used and for which purposes. You can find in this article some examples of constraint creation and SQL Server 2000 constraints enhancements.
Choosing SQL Server 2000 Data Types
Total Hit (1080) |
Choosing an appropriate data type is very important, because the errors made in a table design can result in large performance degradation. These problems often surface later, when a large amount of data is inserted. In this article, I want to tell you about built-in and user-defined data types, how
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Disabling or Enabling All Constraints of a Table or Database
Total Hit (1315) |
These procedures are very important to use when you need to load a bulk of data that you know is correct but when you do not need the foreign keys and check constraints to interfere while you are loading the data. This is also the case when you want to change key values and don't want the constraint
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Single Database or Multiple Databases
Total Hit (1432) |
Which is the way to better performance with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0: using a single database with lots and lots of tables or logically grouping data into multiple databases each with a significantly fewer number of tables? The system is comprised of one server with two hard drives that are mirrored
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