Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
09/13/2003 String Faster string comparisons with CompareOrdinal
09/13/2003 String Faster string comparison with the Is operator
09/13/2003 String Determine whether a string is uppercase
09/13/2003 String Determine whether a string is lowercase
09/13/2003 VB String Two handy functions for Null handling
09/13/2003 VB String Tricks with LCase and UCase
09/13/2003 VB String Swap strings the fast way
09/13/2003 VB Regular Expression Search multiple substrings with the RegExp object
09/13/2003 VB String Retrieve the currency symbol
09/13/2003 VB String Replicate a string of any length
09/13/2003 VB String Replace the last occurrence of a string
09/13/2003 VB String Process string characters using Byte arrays
09/13/2003 VB String Non obvious uses for the LIKE operator
09/13/2003 VB String Fixed-length strings allocate and deallocate faster
09/13/2003 VB String Fixed-length strings allocate and deallocate faster
09/13/2003 VB String Faster string appending with Mid$ command
09/13/2003 VB Regular Expression Extract words with the RegExp object
09/13/2003 VB Regular Expression Extract all quoted strings with the RegExp object
09/13/2003 VB String Count distinct characters in a string
09/13/2003 VB String Avoid append operations with the Replace function
09/13/2003 VB String Always use "$-typed" string functions
09/13/2003 Math Take advantage of the new math functions
09/13/2003 Math MK? And CV? - Convert numbers to strings and back
09/13/2003 Math Convert a decimal value to binary, octal, or hexadecimal
09/13/2003 Math Convert a binary, octal, or hexadecimal value to decimal
09/13/2003 VB Math Use integer division operator
09/13/2003 VB Math Undocumented behavior of the CInt() function
09/13/2003 VB Math Understanding the "Allow Unrounded Floating Point Operations" option
09/13/2003 VB Math Manually coerce to Long all Integer expressions that might overflow
09/13/2003 VB Math Evaluate the integer equal or higher than a given value
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