Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
09/13/2003 VB Arrays Speed up searches with hash tables
09/13/2003 VB Arrays Sorting on multiple keys
09/13/2003 VB Arrays Simple variables are always faster than array elements
09/13/2003 VB Arrays Scan all the items in a multi-dimensional array with only one loop
09/13/2003 VB Arrays Quickly initialize Variant and String arrays
09/13/2003 VB Arrays Quickly clear a portion of an array
09/13/2003 VB Arrays Polymorphic array procedures
09/13/2003 VB Arrays Count Sort, a special case of indexed sort
09/13/2003 VB Arrays Check whether a string array contains an item (without a loop)
09/13/2003 Date-Time Weekday names in any language
09/13/2003 Date-Time Parsing and validating string dates
09/13/2003 VB Date-Time Use Sleep API to add pauses to your programs
09/13/2003 VB Date-Time Tricks with DateSerial
09/13/2003 VB Date-Time The number of days in a month
09/13/2003 VB Date-Time The beginning or end of previous week
09/13/2003 VB Date-Time The age of a person
09/13/2003 VB Date-Time Test for Leap Year
09/13/2003 VB Date-Time Retrieve Time Zone information
09/13/2003 VB Date-Time High-precision timing with the QueryPerformanceCounter API function
09/13/2003 VB Date-Time Evaluate the number of days remaining in the current year
09/13/2003 VB Date-Time Create a system timer using AddressOf and a callback function
09/13/2003 VB Date-Time Beware of slashes when formatting dates
09/13/2003 VB Date-Time Benchmarks with millisecond accuracy
09/13/2003 VB Date-Time An enhanced VB DatePart function
09/13/2003 String Trimming strings
09/13/2003 String Right-align formatted strings
09/13/2003 String Reducing string memory usage with the Intern method
09/13/2003 String Process string faster with the StringBuilder class
09/13/2003 String Locale-aware string conversions
09/13/2003 String Iterating over the characters in a string
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