Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
09/15/2003 VB Active-X Print the WebBrowser's contents
09/15/2003 VB Controls-RichText Let the user add tab characters to a RichTextBox control
09/15/2003 VB Controls-RichText Insert a picture into a RichTextBox control
09/15/2003 VB Active-X Dynamically bind a DataList or DataCombo control to an ADO Recordset
09/15/2003 VB Active-X Download and save an HTML page with the Internet Transfer control
09/15/2003 VB Active-X Download and save an HTML page with the Internet Transfer control
09/15/2003 VB Active-X Copy the contents of the WebBrowser control to the Clipboard
09/15/2003 VB Active-X Clear a MaskEditBox control without raising error
09/15/2003 VB ADO Changing the current record using bookmarks
09/15/2003 VB Active-X A simple way to control a common dialog's position
09/15/2003 WinForms Using multiple fields as value for the DropDownList control's items
09/15/2003 WinForms Skipping columns when tabbing on a DataGrid
09/15/2003 Controls-ListView Setting the width of the last column of a ListView when the control is resized
09/15/2003 WinForms Map an enumerated value to a set of OptionButton controls
09/15/2003 VB Controls-ListView Setting the width of the last column of a ListView when the control is resized
09/15/2003 WinForms Hiding pages of a TabControl
09/15/2003 WinForms Don’t use the GotFocus and LostFocus events
09/15/2003 VB Controls-TreeView Suppress TreeView's tooltips
09/15/2003 VB Controls-ListView Selecting an entire row in a ListView
09/15/2003 VB Controls-ListView Prevent dragging elements in a ListView control
09/15/2003 VB Windows Common Controls Load items faster in the TreeView and ListView controls
09/15/2003 VB Controls-TreeView Limit the length of the text in a TreeView node
09/15/2003 VB Controls-ListView Limit the length of an item in a ListView control
09/15/2003 VB Controls-RichText Let the user insert OLE objects in a RichTextBox control
09/15/2003 VB Windows Common Controls How to apply the flat style to a toolbar
09/15/2003 VB Controls-TreeView Get or Set the height of TreeView nodes
09/15/2003 VB Controls-TreeView Get full control on the text typed in a TreeView's node
09/15/2003 VB Controls-ListView Get full control on the text typed in a ListView's item
09/15/2003 VB Controls-TreeView Fill a TreeView control with random data
09/15/2003 VB Controls-ListView Determine the optimal width for ListView columns
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