Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
09/19/2003 VB Math BitToggle - Invert a bit in a value
09/19/2003 VB Math BitTest - Test the value of a bit
09/19/2003 VB Math BitSet - Set a bit in a number
09/19/2003 VB Math BitCount - The number of "1" bits in a number
09/19/2003 VB Math BitClear - Clear a bit in a value
09/19/2003 VB Math BinToDec - Convert from binary to decimal
09/19/2003 VB Math Bin - Convert from decimal to binary
09/19/2003 VB Math Base Conversion module - A module to convert numbers between any bases
09/19/2003 VB Math Atn2 - Arc tangent of Y/X
09/19/2003 VB Math ASinH, ACosH, ATanH, ACotH, ASecH, ACscH - Hyperbolic inverse trig functions
09/19/2003 VB Math ASin, ACos, ACot, ASec, ACsc - Missing inverse trig functions
09/19/2003 VB Math Any2Dec - Convert from any numeric base to decimal
09/19/2003 Language RunningAsExe - Determine whether the code is running in an EXE or DLL
09/19/2003 Language KeepInRange - Ensure that a value is in a given range
09/19/2003 Regular Expression IsValidUsZip - Validating a US ZIP code
09/19/2003 Regular Expression IsValidUsSSN - Validating a US Social Security Number (SSN)
09/19/2003 Regular Expression IsValidUsPhoneNumber - Validating a US phone number
09/19/2003 Regular Expression IsValidEmail - Validate an email address
09/19/2003 String IsValidUsPhoneNumber - Validating a US phone number
09/19/2003 Regular Expression IsValidRegularExpression - Checking whether a given regular expression is in valid format
09/19/2003 String IsValidEmail - Validate an email address
09/19/2003 Language IsNumeric - Check whether an object is storing a numeric value
09/19/2003 Language IsComDLL - Check whether a DLL is an COM self-registering server
09/19/2003 Language IsAssembly - Check whether a specified file is a .NET assembly
09/19/2003 Language IfNull - If the first argument is Nothing or a null string return the 2nd argument
09/19/2003 Language GetApplicationPath - Retrieving the path of the running application or add-in
09/19/2003 Language DisplayExceptionInfo - Displaying error information
09/19/2003 Language CompareValue - Check whether a value is in a list of values
09/19/2003 Language CompareList - Compare an argument with a list of values
09/19/2003 Language Ask a Yes/no question and return a Boolean
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