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Search and replace string with HTML formatting in Case-[In]sensitive mode using regular expression.
Total Hit (3393) Folloing function will Search specified string and make it Bold in HTML output. «Code LangId=2»Function BoldSearch(ByVal strInput As String, ByVal strSearch As String) As String BoldSearch=Regex.Replace(strInput, strSearch, "<B>" & "$&" & "</B>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) End Function«/Code» ....Read More
IsValidRegularExpression - Checking whether a given regular expression is in valid format
Total Hit (3534) «Code LangId=2» ' Check whether a given regular expression is in valid format ' Examples: ' Debug.WriteLine(IsValidRegularExpression("^((\(\d{3}\) ' ?)|(\d{3}-))?\d{3}-\d{4}$")) ' => True ' Debug.WriteLine(IsValidRegularExpression("^[|)$")) ' => False Function IsValidRegularExpression( ....Read More
IsValidEmail - Validate an email address
Total Hit (3606) «Code LangId=2» Function IsValidEmail(ByVal Value As String, Optional ByVal MaxLength As _ Integer = 255, Optional ByVal IsRequired As Boolean = True) As Boolean If Value Is Nothing OrElse Value.Length = 0 Then ' rule out the null string case Return Not IsRequired ....Read More
IsValidUsPhoneNumber - Validating a US phone number
Total Hit (3043) «Code LangId=2» ' Validate a US phone number ' Example: ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsPhoneNumber("(123) 456-7890")) ' True ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsPhoneNumber("(123) 456-78901")) ' False Function IsValidUsPhoneNumber(ByVal phnNum As String) As Boolean Return System.Text.RegularExp ....Read More
IsValidUsSSN - Validating a US Social Security Number (SSN)
Total Hit (4072) «Code LangId=2» ' Validate a US Social Security Number ' Example: ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsSSN("123-12-1234")) ' True ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsSSN("123-123-1234")) ' False Function IsValidUsSSN(ByVal ssn As String) As Boolean Return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch( ....Read More
IsValidUsZip - Validating a US ZIP code
Total Hit (2870) «Code LangId=2» ' Validate a US ZIP code ' Example: ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsZip("12345")) ' => True ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsZip("12345-1234")) ' => True ' MessageBox.Show(IsValidUsZip("12345-12345")) ' => False Function IsValidUsZip(ByVal zip As String) As Boolean Re ....Read More
TrimEx function using Regular Expression.
Total Hit (3292) Regular Trim function only removes preceding and trailing space but it does not remove all other white space characters e.g. New Line(\n), Carraige return(\r), Form Feed(\f), Tab(\t). To remove these characters you can easily implement function using Regular expression. ....Read More
Download HTML page from a given URL and then clean HTML tags, Comments, Script blocks.
Total Hit (5692) Sometimes we need to retrive only HTML text from a given URL (i.e. In this article I have used Regular Expression to perform this complex task. To do this we nned to perform following steps 1) Download HTML page from given URL 2) Grab Body of HTML 3) Perfor ....Read More
HTML Color Coding for various Languages (i.e. VB,, SQL).
Total Hit (10775) I spent several hours to find some article to convert Source Code into HTML with different colorcode for keywords/literal/comment/function. But no luck and finally I wrote my own ColorCoding Engine. This article will show you how you can utilize power of Regular Expression to solve your very complex ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Leverage Regular Expressions
Total Hit (2052) Regular expressions provide a simple and efficient way—far beyond the capabilities most conventional programming languages offer—to search and replace text. However, relatively few developers are familiar with this powerful tool. I'll explain how you can leverage regular expressions from VB.NET to s ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Regular Expressions in .NET
Total Hit (4586)
This is a link to a different site An Introduction to Regular Expressions and Their Use in .NET II...
Total Hit (1643) In the first article in this series we introduced background information regarding regular expressions as well as starting to look at the support for regular expressions in .NET. In this article we'll look in more detail at this latter area.
This is a link to a different site An Introduction to Regular Expressions and Their Use in .NET I...
Total Hit (2645) Regular expressions pop up in several locations in .NET and its supporting technologies. A prime example would be in the RegularExpression server validation control but the power of regular expressions are also utilised elsewhere, for example within XSD schemas with the pattern facet. This gives a g ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Formatting with Regular Expressions
Total Hit (2918) If you're familiar with regular expressions, you know that they can be used for pattern matching and replacement in strings. (If you are not familiar with regular expressions, you're missing out on a powerful technology that has a myriad of applications. Read An Introduction to Regular Expressions t ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Common Applications of Regular Expressions
Total Hit (1932) Regular Expressions (for those not yet acquainted with them) provide a way of matching patterns of strings that may be simple or extremely complicated and they do it in a very efficient manner. For an introduction to regular expressions in ASP be sure to read: An Introduction to Regular Expressions ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Utilizing Regular Expressions
Total Hit (1761) This article is a follow-up to an earlier 4Guys article, An Introduction to Regular Expression with VBScript. (If you are not familiar with regular expressions, I highly recommend that you read the An Introduction to Regular Expression with VBScript article!) Since the previous article served more a ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Validate What? Using Regular Expressions to Validate Input
Total Hit (1798) Validating user input is a basic but very necessary part of web development, especially when dealing with databases. Queries don't go too well when you have !@)#&#$*%?= in the search field. So we have to build a function that searches the input string for illegal characters (defined by you) and then ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Removing All HTML Tags from a String Using Regular Expressions
Total Hit (1852) Have you ever had the need to remove all HTML tags from a file? Perhaps you wanted to display all HTML tags on a Web page, but as the raw HTML tags (like showing <B>bold</B> as opposed to bold). The script presented in this artcle will accomplish these tasks with ease! ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Picking Out Delimited Text with Regular Expressions
Total Hit (1810) Have you ever wanted to parse an HTML document and be able to easily grab the text between certain text delimiters? For example, imagine that we wanted to list all the text in an HTML document that falls within any bold tags (<b> ... </b>). Or say that we wanted to grab the text (if any) that was th ....Read More
This is a link to a different site User Tips: Converting URLs into Hyperlinks
Total Hit (2097) I just finished reading Designing Active Server Pages and was inspired by the regular expressions section. I would like to contribute some code... two functions which are fresh out of the oven! These functions are to cater for web content stored in a database where URLs & email address are part ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Stripping HTML Tags using Regular Expressions
Total Hit (1944) Have you ever wanted to strip all of the HTML tags from a string? There are many reasons you may want to do this. For example, if you provide a feature on your site where a user can have the contents of a Web page emailed to them, you may wish to strip all of the HTML tags from the particular articl ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Utilizing Regular Expression SubMatches
Total Hit (1688) This article examines advanced features of regular expressions. For more basic and beginner-level information on regular expressions, as well as a number of articles illustrating various applications of regular expressions, be sure to check out the articles at the Regular Expression Article Index! ....Read More
This is a link to a different site A 'Print This Page' Script Using the MS-XMLHTTP object and Regular Expressions
Total Hit (2647) This article deals with two not-so-commonly discussed topics. The first is using Microsoft's XMLHTTP component to perform an HTTP request. To learn more about how to use XMLHTTP for this purpose, be sure to check out this FAQ. This article also utilizes regular expressions to remove delimited chunks ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Translating from a Custom Markup to HTML using Regular Expressions
Total Hit (1897) If you run a messageboard-type site, you may want to allow users to enter certain HTML tags, but not others. For example, you may want users to be able to use tags like <b> and <u>, but any other HTML tags would be displayed as-is. That is, if a user were to enter as a message: ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Microsoft Beefs Up VBScript with Regular Expressions
Total Hit (1356) In this article, I'll describe all objects related to VBScript Regular Expressions, summarize common regular expression patterns, and provide some examples of using regular expressions in code.

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