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RLECompress - Compress a block of memory using RLE algorithm
[ All Languages » VB »  Arrays]

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Click here to copy the following block
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (dest As _
  Any, source As Any, ByVal Bytes As Long)

' compress a block of memory (a string, an array, a bitmap)
' using the RLE compression algorithm
' Returns True if the block has been compressed,
'     False if the compression would create a block larger
'        then the original data
' ADDRESS is the start address of the memory block to compress
'     use StrPtr(s) for strings, use VarPtr(arr(0)) for arrays
' BYTES is the size of the memory block
'     use LenB(s) for strings, use N * LenB(arr(0)) for arrays
' OUTBUFFER() is an array of bytes that, on exit, will contain the
'     compressed form of the memory block
' ITEMSIZE is a suggestion to the routine, and should match the expected
'     size of the repeated pattern.Can be 1,2,4,8
'     Use 1 for ANSI strings, Byte arrays, 256-colors bitmaps
'     Use 2 for Unicode strings, Integer arrays, 64K-color bitmaps
'     Use 4 for Long and Single arrays
'     Use 8 for Double and Currency arrays
' Note: BYTES must be an integer multiple of this ITEMSIZE
' Example:
'  Dim s As String, b() As Byte
'  Open "c:\textfile.txt" For Input As #1
'  ' we are sure that this is an ANSI string
'  s = StrConv(Input(LOF(1), 1), vbFromUnicode)
'  Close #1
'  ' convert this ANSI string
'  RLECompress StrPtr(s), LenB(s), b(), 1
'  ' decompress the data
'  Dim o() As Byte, res As String
'  RLEUncompress VarPtr(b(0)), UBound(b) + 1, o()
'  ' reconvert from ANSI to Unicode
'  res = StrConv(o(), vbUnicode)

Function RLECompress(ByVal address As Long, ByVal Bytes As Long, _
  outBuffer() As Byte, Optional ByVal ItemSize As Integer = 2) As Boolean
  ' itemSize can be 1,2,4,8
  If ItemSize <> 1 And ItemSize <> 2 And ItemSize <> 4 And ItemSize <> 8 Then
    Err.Raise 5, , "Wrong value for ItemSize"
  End If
  ' Bytes must be a multiple of itemSize
  If (Bytes Mod ItemSize) Then
    Err.Raise 5, , "Bytes must be a multiple of ItemSize"
  End If
  ' the size must be long enough
  If Bytes < 64 Then
    Err.Raise 5, , "Bytes must be > 64"
  End If
  ' prepare the output buffer
  ' initially this is as long as the input stream
  ReDim outBuffer(0 To Bytes - 1) As Byte
  ' we use Currency variables, that can accomodate up to 8 bytes
  ' and are enough fast at comparisons
  Dim i As Long
  Dim outIndex As Long
  Dim prevValue As Currency
  Dim currValue As Currency
  Dim matchCount As Integer
  ' the first value in the output buffer
  ' is a special signature
  CopyMemory outBuffer(0), &HABCD, 2
  ' the second value is the ItemSize
  CopyMemory outBuffer(2), ItemSize, 2
  ' the next dword is the length of the input buffer
  CopyMemory outBuffer(4), Bytes, 4
  ' move the first value to the outbuffer as-is
  CopyMemory prevValue, ByVal address, ItemSize
  address = address + ItemSize
  CopyMemory outBuffer(8), prevValue, ItemSize
  outIndex = 8 + ItemSize
  ' analyze each item in the input stream
  For i = 2 To Bytes \ ItemSize
    ' get the next value
    CopyMemory currValue, ByVal address, ItemSize
    address = address + ItemSize
    If prevValue <> currValue Then
      ' execute this block when the new value differs
      ' and when matchCount is about to overflow
      If matchCount Then
        ' exit if the compressed image isn't shorter than the original
        If outIndex + 2 >= Bytes Then Exit Function
        ' if there were matching values, write the count
        CopyMemory outBuffer(outIndex), matchCount, 2
        outIndex = outIndex + ItemSize
        ' reset matchCount
        matchCount = 0
      End If
      ' exit if the compressed image isn't shorter than the original
      If outIndex + ItemSize >= Bytes Then Exit Function
      ' copy the new value to the output buffer
      CopyMemory outBuffer(outIndex), currValue, ItemSize
      outIndex = outIndex + ItemSize
      ' now we have a new prevValue
      prevValue = currValue
    ElseIf matchCount = 0 Then
      ' this value is the same as the previous one
      ' and this is the second equal value in a sequence
      ' exit if the compressed image isn't shorter than the original
      If outIndex + ItemSize >= Bytes Then Exit Function
      ' write the new value
      CopyMemory outBuffer(outIndex), currValue, ItemSize
      outIndex = outIndex + ItemSize
      ' initialize matchCount
      matchCount = 2
    ElseIf matchCount = 32767 Then
      ' we must output the counter before it overflows
      ' exit if the compressed image isn't shorter than the original
      If outIndex + 2 >= Bytes Then Exit Function
      ' if there were matching values, write the count
      CopyMemory outBuffer(outIndex), matchCount, 2
      outIndex = outIndex + ItemSize
      ' reset matchCount
      matchCount = 2
      ' just increment matchCount
      matchCount = matchCount + 1
    End If
  ' if we get here, the input buffer has been completely compressed
  ' but we must account for pending matches
  If matchCount Then
    ' exit if the compressed image isn't shorter than the original
    If outIndex + 2 >= Bytes Then Exit Function
    ' if there were matching values, write the count
    CopyMemory outBuffer(outIndex), matchCount, 2
    outIndex = outIndex + ItemSize
  End If
  ' shrink the output buffer
  ReDim Preserve outBuffer(0 To outIndex - 1) As Byte
  ' return True to signal that the compression was successful
  RLECompress = True

End Function

Submitted By : Nayan Patel  (Member Since : 5/26/2004 12:23:06 PM)

Job Description : He is the moderator of this site and currently working as an independent consultant. He works with, SQL Server and other MS technologies. He is, MCDBA and MCSE. In his free time he likes to watch funny movies and doing oil painting.
View all (893) submissions by this author  (Birth Date : 7/14/1981 )

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