If you are familiar with the ADO capability to create stand-alone Recordsets from the thin air, that is by adding items to their Fields collection, you're also probably aware that this feature has a serious shortcoming: you can't then connect to a database and perform any batch updates. The problem is that a stand-alone Recordset has an empty Source property, and when you reconnect it to the database you get the error "Insufficient Base Table Information".
What is missing in a stand-alone Recordset are three field attributes that indicate from which database, table and field the corrisponding value comes. If you create a new Field object using the Fields.Append method you can't specify these properties, nor you can add them later because field properties can't be extended.
If you're working with ADO 2.1 and Internet Explorer 5 is installed on the machine, however, there is a technique that lets you work around this issue:
You create a stand-alone Recordset, open it, and append all the fields you know for sure are in the target database table. You save the Recordset in XML format (that's why you need ADO 2.1). You reload the resulting XML document (you need IE 5 and a reference to the MSXML library to do so). You manipulate the document and add the missing field attributes You save the modified XML document, and re-open it as a Recordset. From this point on, the Recordset can be associated a valid connection, and you can use it to upload data to the database. I've prepared a reusable procedure that takes the name of the saved XML file, and the name of the Base Catalog (i.e. the database) and the Base Table, and performs all the XML manipulations for you: |
Click here to copy the following block |
Sub LinkRsToDB(ByVal rs As ADODB.Recordset, ByVal BaseCatalog As String, _ ByVal BaseTable As String) Dim DOMDoc As New DOMDocument Dim Root As IXMLDOMNode Dim Schema As IXMLDOMNode Dim Node As IXMLDOMNode Dim Item As IXMLDOMNode Dim NewItem As IXMLDOMAttribute If (rs.State And adStateOpen) = 0 Then rs.Open rs.Save DOMDoc, adPersistXML
Set Root = DOMDoc.childNodes.Item(0) Set Schema = Root.childNodes(0)
For Each Node In Schema.childNodes(0).childNodes If UCase(Node.baseName) = "ATTRIBUTETYPE" Then For Each Item In Node.Attributes If Item.baseName = "write" Then Node.Attributes.removeQualifiedItem Item.baseName, _ Item.namespaceURI Exit For End If Next
Set NewItem = DOMDoc.createAttribute("rs:basecatalog") NewItem.Value = BaseCatalog Node.Attributes.setNamedItem NewItem
Set NewItem = DOMDoc.createAttribute("rs:basetable") NewItem.Text = BaseTable Node.Attributes.setNamedItem NewItem
Set NewItem = DOMDoc.createAttribute("rs:basecolumn") NewItem.Text = Node.Attributes(0).Text Node.Attributes.setNamedItem NewItem
Set NewItem = DOMDoc.createAttribute("rs:writeunknown") NewItem.Text = "true" Node.Attributes.setNamedItem NewItem End If Next
rs.Close rs.Open DOMDoc End Sub |
Here is an example of how you can use this technique. First, you need to create a stand-alone Recordset, whose Fields structure matches the structure of the database table you want to update, and add one or more records to it: |
Click here to copy the following block | Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection rs.Fields.Append "au_id", adVarChar, 11 rs.Fields.Append "au_lname", adVarChar, 40 rs.Fields.Append "au_fname", adVarChar, 20 rs.Fields.Append "phone", adChar, 12 rs.Fields.Append "address", adVarChar, 40 rs.Fields.Append "city", adVarChar, 20 rs.Fields.Append "state", adChar, 2 rs.Fields.Append "zip", adChar, 5 rs.Fields.Append "contract", adBoolean
rs.Open rs.AddNew rs("au_id") = "978-43-6543" rs("au_fname") = "Francesco" rs("au_lname") = "Balena" rs("city") = "Menlo Park" rs("State") = "CA" rs("Zip") = "94025" rs("Contract") = 1 rs.Update |
Now you can call the LinkRsToDB routine to make the recordset connectable, then you open the actual connection, and perform the insert operations: |
Note: the above code works with ADO 2.5 and 2.6, the MSXML 2.0 type library, and SQL Server 7. You need ADO 2.5 or later because the LinkRsToDB routine persists and depersists the Recordset directly into the XML Parser. Instead, the following version of LinkRsToDB has been tested with ADO 2.1, and works with a temporary file: |
Click here to copy the following block |
Sub LinkRsToDB(ByVal rs As ADODB.Recordset, ByVal BaseCatalog As String, _ ByVal BaseTable As String) Dim DOMDoc As New DOMDocument Dim Root As IXMLDOMNode Dim Schema As IXMLDOMNode Dim Node As IXMLDOMNode Dim Item As IXMLDOMNode Dim NewItem As IDOMAttribute Dim XMLSource As String Dim tempFileName As String Dim fileNum As Integer tempFileName = "C:\Empty.xml" On Error Resume Next Kill tempFileName On Error GoTo 0 If (rs.State And adStateOpen) = 0 Then rs.Open rs.Save tempFileName, adPersistXML DOMDoc.Load tempFileName Set Root = DOMDoc.childNodes.Item(0) Set Schema = Root.childNodes(0)
For Each Node In Schema.childNodes If UCase(Node.baseName) = "ATTRIBUTETYPE" Then For Each Item In Node.Attributes If Item.baseName = "write" Then Node.Attributes.removeNamedItem Item.nodeName Exit For End If Next
Set NewItem = DOMDoc.createAttribute("rs:basecatalog") NewItem.Value = BaseCatalog Node.Attributes.setNamedItem NewItem
Set NewItem = DOMDoc.createAttribute("rs:basetable") NewItem.Value = BaseTable Node.Attributes.setNamedItem NewItem
Set NewItem = DOMDoc.createAttribute("rs:basecolumn") NewItem.Value = Node.Attributes(0).nodeValue Node.Attributes.setNamedItem NewItem End If Next
XMLSource = Replace(DOMDoc.xml, Chr(34), "'") Kill tempFileName fileNum = FreeFile Open tempFileName For Output As #fileNum Print #fileNum, XMLSource Close #fileNum rs.Close rs.Open tempFileName, , , , adCmdFile Kill tempFileName End Sub |
The following example shows how to connect a stand-alone Recordset to the Authors table in Biblio. Note that in this case you can pass a null string to the BaseCatalog argument: |
Click here to copy the following block | Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
rs.Fields.Append "Author", adVarChar, 50 rs.Open
rs.AddNew rs("author") = "Francesco Balena" rs.Update
LinkRsToDB rs, BaseCatalog:="", BaseTable:="Authors"
cn.Open "File Name=C:\DataLinks\Biblio.udl" Set rs.ActiveConnection = cn
rs.UpdateBatch |
Submitted By :
Nayan Patel
(Member Since : 5/26/2004 12:23:06 PM)
Job Description :
He is the moderator of this site and currently working as an independent consultant. He works with VB.net/ASP.net, SQL Server and other MS technologies. He is MCSD.net, MCDBA and MCSE. In his free time he likes to watch funny movies and doing oil painting. |
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(Birth Date : 7/14/1981 ) |