The following script will search for all stored proc and user defined function for specific substring. So if you looking for which proc is using "CREATE INDEX" code you can easily pinpoint that using this code.
It will list size of all tables or table with specific name (use wildcard) It will count lines of code for all procs or procs with specific name (use wildcard) |
Click here to copy the following block |
alter proc usp_sql_tools @command varchar(100)='SEARCH' ,@search_obj_name varchar(100)='%' ,@search_pattern varchar(100)='%' ,@order_by varchar(128)=null ,@asc_desc varchar(128)='asc' as
Declare @obj_name varchar(128) Declare @obj_type varchar(10)
if @command in ('SEARCH','COUNTLINE','SCRIPT') begin Declare obj_Cur cursor For select name,type from sysobjects where type in ('P','FN','TR','V')
create table #tmp (line_number int identity(1,1), line_text nvarchar(max)) create table #tmpAll (obj_name varchar(100),line_number int,line_text nvarchar(max),obj_type varchar(20))
open obj_Cur
fetch next from obj_Cur into @obj_name,@obj_type
while @@fetch_status <> -1 begin
insert into #tmp(line_text) select '--/################## ' + @obj_name + ' ####################/'
insert into #tmp(line_text) exec sp_helptext @obj_name
insert into #tmp(line_text) select 'GO'
insert into #tmpAll(obj_name,line_number,line_text,obj_type) select @obj_name ,line_number , line_text ,obj_type=case when @obj_type ='P' then 'Procedure' when @obj_type='V' then 'VIEW' when @obj_type in ('IF','FN') then 'FUNCTION' when @obj_type='TR' then 'Trigger' else @obj_type end from #tmp
truncate table #tmp
fetch next from obj_Cur into @obj_name,@obj_type
close obj_Cur deallocate obj_Cur
if @command='SEARCH' begin select * from #tmpall where line_text like @search_pattern and obj_name like @search_obj_name order by obj_name end
if @command='COUNTLINE' begin select obj_name,count(*) lines from #tmpall where obj_name like @search_obj_name and obj_name in (select distinct obj_name from #tmpall where line_text like @search_pattern ) group by obj_name order by obj_name end
if @command='SCRIPT' begin select line_text as line_text from #tmpall where obj_name like @search_obj_name and obj_name in (select distinct obj_name from #tmpall where line_text like @search_pattern ) order by obj_name end
if @command='TABLESIZE' begin SELECT a.Name , SUM(b.RowCnt) EstRowCount , SUM(b.Used) * 8 TableSize_KB , (SUM(b.Used) * 8.0)/1024 TableSize_MB into #tmp_TABLESIZE FROM sysobjects a LEFT OUTER JOIN sysindexes b ON a.ID = b.ID WHERE a.xtype IN ('U') GROUP BY a.Name ORDER BY 1 ASC
if @asc_desc='ASC' select * from #tmp_TABLESIZE where Name like @search_obj_name order by case when @order_by= 'EstRowCount' then EstRowCount when @order_by= 'TableSize_KB' then TableSize_KB when @order_by= 'TableSize_MB' then TableSize_MB else EstRowCount end else select * from #tmp_TABLESIZE where Name like @search_obj_name order by case when @order_by='EstRowCount' then EstRowCount when @order_by='TableSize_KB' then TableSize_KB when @order_by='TableSize_MB' then TableSize_MB else EstRowCount end desc
go |
Submitted By :
Nayan Patel
(Member Since : 5/26/2004 12:23:06 PM)
Job Description :
He is the moderator of this site and currently working as an independent consultant. He works with VB.net/ASP.net, SQL Server and other MS technologies. He is MCSD.net, MCDBA and MCSE. In his free time he likes to watch funny movies and doing oil painting. |
View all (893) submissions by this author
(Birth Date : 7/14/1981 ) |