The VB's MkDir function creates a directory in a specified path. If the directory already exists, MkDir raises error 75 (Path/file access error); yet, it raises the same error code if you attempt to create the directory on a read-only drive. Even worse, in Windows NT/2K/XP workstations, if you try to create a directory named "prn", which is a reserved word, MkDir does not raise any error even though the directory is not created. An easy alternative to MkDir is provided by the FileSystemObject object. Another one involves using the CreateDirectory API function. Because this function is part of the Windows "kernel32" library, you do not have to add any references to your project or package additional DLL files with your application. You must however declare the API function as well as write some additional code: |
The NewDirectory wrapper function is declared with Private scope because it is not the routine we want to access directly in code. The reason for this is that it lacks two essential components, directory name validation and descriptive error messages. Instead, we access the APIMakeDirectory function that encapsulates both EvalFileName and NewDirectory. Because APIMakeDirectory must be able to identify the meaning of the error codes returned by NewDirectory, it also encapsulates the APIErrorMessage, which a wrapper of the FormatMessage API function. The complete code of the APIMakeDirectory function - provided below - offers an additional feature that allows renaming of the new directory if it already exists in the destination path: |
Click here to copy the following block | Private Type SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES nLength As Long lpSecurityDescriptor As Long bInheritHandle As Long End Type
Private Declare Function CreateDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "CreateDirectoryA" (ByVal lpPathName As String, _ lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) As Long
Private Declare Function FormatMessage Lib "kernel32" Alias "FormatMessageA" _ (ByVal dwFlags As Long, lpSource As Any, ByVal dwMessageId As Long, _ ByVal dwLanguageId As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long, _ Arguments As Long) As Long
Public Function APIMakeDirectory(Path As String, Optional RenameOnCollision As _ Boolean, Optional errCode As Long, Optional errMsg As String) As Boolean
Dim RetVal As Long Dim i As Long Dim TempName As String On Error GoTo exitError TempName = Path For i = Len(Path) To 1 Step -1 If (Mid$(Path, i, 1) = "\") Then TempName = Mid$(Path, i + 1) Exit For End If Next If EvalFileName(TempName) = True Then Err.Raise 1005, , "Invalid directory name." End If RetVal = NewDirectory(Path) If RenameOnCollision Then i = 0 TempName = Path Do While (RetVal = 183) i = i + 1 Path = TempName & " (" & CStr(i) & ")" RetVal = NewDirectory(Path) Loop End If If RetVal = 0 Then errCode = RetVal errMsg = "Directory created." APIMakeDirectory = True Else Err.Raise RetVal, , APIErrorMessage(RetVal) End If exitNormal: Exit Function exitError: errCode = Err.Number errMsg = Err.Description Resume exitNormal End Function
Private Function EvalFileName(ByVal Name As String) As Boolean Dim i As Long Dim Test As String Const BAD_FILENAME_CHARS As String = """" & "/" & "\" & ":" & "|" & "<" & _ ">" & "*" & "?" If Len(Trim$(Name)) = 0 Then Exit Function End If Test = Right$(Name, 1) If Test = " " Or Test = "." Then Exit Function End If Test = BAD_FILENAME_CHARS For i = 0 To 31 Test = Test & Chr$(i) Next For i = 1 To Len(Name) If InStr(1, Test, Mid$(Name, i, 1)) > 0 Then Exit Function End If Next If LCase$(Name) = "con" Or LCase$(Name) = "prn" Or LCase$(Name) = "aux" Or _ LCase$(Name) = "clock$" Or LCase$(Name) = "nul" Then Exit Function End If For i = 1 To 9 If LCase$(Name) = "com" & CStr(i) Or LCase$(Name) = "lpt" & CStr(i) Then Exit Function End If Next EvalFileName = True
End Function
Private Function NewDirectory(ByVal Path As String) As Long
lpSA.nLength = Len(lpSA) If (CreateDirectory(Path, lpSA) <> 0) Then Else NewDirectory = Err.LastDllError End If
End Function
Private Function APIErrorMessage(ByVal errCode As Long) As String
Dim MsgBuffer As String * 257 Dim MsgLength As Long MsgLength = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM Or _ FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS Or FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK, 0&, _ errCode, 0&, MsgBuffer, 256&, 0&) If (MsgLength = 0) Then APIErrorMessage = "Unknown error." Else APIErrorMessage = Left$(MsgBuffer, MsgLength) End If
End Function |
In conclusion, I would like to point out that although RAD is a |
Submitted By :
Nayan Patel
(Member Since : 5/26/2004 12:23:06 PM)
Job Description :
He is the moderator of this site and currently working as an independent consultant. He works with VB.net/ASP.net, SQL Server and other MS technologies. He is MCSD.net, MCDBA and MCSE. In his free time he likes to watch funny movies and doing oil painting. |
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(Birth Date : 7/14/1981 ) |