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(Page 15 of 54) 1607 Result(s) found 


RecycleBinItems - Get info on the items in the Recycle Bin
Total Hit (2014)
GetVBASetting - Retrieve a setting for the Visual Basic VBA code editor
Total Hit (2198)
VBControlName - The name of a VB control
Total Hit (1964)
CLSIDToProgID - Convert a CLSID into a ProgID
Total Hit (3778)
RemoveCloseMenuItem - Remove the Close button and command from a form
Total Hit (2227) «Code LangId=1» Private Declare Function GetSystemMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal bRevert As Long) As Long Private Declare Function RemoveMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long, _ ByVal nPosition As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long ' Remove the Close menu item and di ....Read More
TextBoxGetLine - Return a single line in a multiline TextBox control
Total Hit (2661) «Code LangId=1»Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal _ hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, _ lParam As Any) As Long Const EM_LINEINDEX = &HBB Const EM_LINELENGTH = &HC1 ' Return the specified line in a multiline TextBox contr ....Read More
GetDriveTypeEx - Detect drive type, including CD or DVD driver
Total Hit (7361) «code LangId=1»Private Type DEVICE_MEDIA_INFO Cylinders As Double MediaType As STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE TracksPerCylinder As Long SectorsPerTrack As Long BytesPerSector As Long NumberMediaSides As Long MediaCharacteristics As Long End Type Private Type GET_MEDIA_TYPES ....Read More
ArrayMax - The value and index of highest element in an array of any type
Total Hit (2085) «Code LangId=1»' Return the maximum value in an array of any type ' ' FIRST and LAST indicate which portion of the array ' should be considered; they default to the first ' and last element, respectively ' If MAXINDEX is passed, it receives the index of the ' maximum element in the array F ....Read More
ConvertReverseFullName - Convert a reverse name to the "FirstName LastName" format
Total Hit (2494) «Code LangId=1» ' convert a reversed full name back to the "FirstName LastName" format ' ' for example, ConvertReverseFullName("Smith, John A.") ==> "John A. Smith" Function ConvertReverseFullName(ByVal ReverseFullName As String) As String Dim i As Long ReverseFullName = Trim$( ....Read More
Reduce COM+ context overhead: use non configured classes
Total Hit (1597) In another item in this Tip Bank (see link below), we mention that you can co-locate secondary instances within the context of the caller. If you don't need any services at all for your secondary components, then you don't have to configure them as COM+ components either. You lose the deployment and ....Read More
Setting a pixel color
Total Hit (3512) The PSet method is much slower than it should actually be, and in most cases you will find it convenient to substitute it with direct calls to the SetPixel API functions. This function is about twelve times faster than the VB's method, at least when you can set the form's ScaleMode to Pixels, for mo ....Read More
Create stand-alone type libraries
Total Hit (3115) Many VB programmers assume that Visual Basic 5.0 is not capable of creating stand-alone Type Libraries, because the documentation states that when an ActiveX component or control is created, the companion Type Library is embedded in the main executable file. This is correct, but if you own the E ....Read More
Prevent dragging elements in a ListView control
Total Hit (3111) The ListView control doesn't expose any property that lets you disable the dragging of its elements. To do so, you must trap the WM_NOTIFY message that the ListView control sends its parent form when the drag operation begins, and "eat" it. Using the MSGHOOK.DLL subclassing library it's easy to acco ....Read More
Highlight current word and line in a TextBox control
Total Hit (2992) Here's a simple way to highlight the current word in a TextBox control (i.e. the word where the caret is): «Code LangId=1» Text1.SetFocus SendKeys "^{LEFT}+^{RIGHT}" «/Code» Similarly, you can highlight the current line in a multiline TextBox control as follows: «Code LangId=1» Text1.SetFo ....Read More
Append a string to a textbox quickly and without flickering
Total Hit (2867) The usual way to append text to a TextBox or a RichTextBox control is to concatenate the current contents with the new string: «Code LangId=1» Text1.Text = Text1.Text & newString «/Code» Here is a different approach, which is slightly faster and causes less flickering: «Code LangId=1» Text1 ....Read More
Get the canonical name of a file
Total Hit (3364) In many cases you may need the canonical (or absolute) name of a file, for example when you need to compare two relative file names (relative to the current directory or drive, that is) and decide whether they point to the same or different files. You can obtain the canonical path of a file usin ....Read More
Extract all quoted strings with the RegExp object
Total Hit (3620) When parsing a text file that contains quoted strings - such as a VB source file - you might want to quickly locate and extract all the quoted strings. Thanks to regular expressions and the RegExp object in the Microsoft VBScript Regular Expression type library, this task is surprisingly easy: «co ....Read More
Process string characters using Byte arrays
Total Hit (2846) When you need to process each character in a string, you can assign the string to a byte array and iterate on its elements (remember: each Unicode character corresponds to two bytes). This approach is usually much faster because it saves a lot of Mid$ functions and, hence, a lot of temporary strings ....Read More
How to generate Table Create script for all or one MS Access table using VBA
Total Hit (3847) Many times I have been asked that is there any easy way to generate script of one or all MS Access tables so when you want to create new table with same structure you dont have to click and type thousnd times. Here is the solution for your problem. «b»Step-By-Step Example«/b» - Create a form i ....Read More
Working with Crypto API to encrypt/decrypt text
Total Hit (25650) This article uses the CRYPTOAPI sample application to demonstrate how to decrypt or encrypt data. For more information check MSDN article «b»«a href=''»MSDN Article : The Cryptography API, or How to ....Read More
Working with NT EventLog - Part 4 (Implementing CEventLog Class, Reading from EventLog)
Total Hit (8399) «b»«a href='CodeDetail.aspx?CodeId=3724'»<< Previous Article«/a»«/b» | «b»Next Article >>«/b» In my previous article «b»«a href='CodeDetail.aspx?CodeId=3724'»Working with NT EventLog - Part 3 (Implementing CEventLog Class, Writing to EventLog)«/a»«/b» you learned how to write to the EventLog. Thi ....Read More
Send Raw Data to a Printer (Bypass Printer Driver) Using the Win32 API from Visual Basic.
Total Hit (13754) The Visual Basic Printer object allows for printing through printer drivers, but there may be times when it is desirable to use the Win32 API to send information more directly to the printer. The code sample to follow shows how to achieve this by using API functions that bypass printer drivers to co ....Read More
BTree - A class for managing binary trees
Total Hit (3095)
Remove Extra Spaces in between words
Total Hit (1573)
This is a link to a different site How to track the download progress
Total Hit (2434) The Internet Transfer Control (ITC) provides us with a very easy way to retrieve web resources. But unfortunately the control doesn't have any means to track the progress of data transfer. It could be nice if the control ...
This is a link to a different site Tiling an Image Across a Form
Total Hit (807) How to tile an image across the background of any form (except MDI parents). No APIs needed.
This is a link to a different site Tutorial : Drawing & Animation
Total Hit (1486) These tutorials are were originally developed as part of a VB Game Programming for beginners book Soren and I were working on. For a variety of reasons the book idea never came to fruition and so we decided to post the material that is finished as a series of tutorials in the hopes that you would fi ....Read More
This is a link to a different site Image Processing Using DIB Sections
Total Hit (819) This sample demonstrates a new 24 bit image processor using the DIB Section GDI object, allowing you to perform a whole raft of standard Image Processing functions, including blurring, sharpening, colourising, resampling and image arithmetic.
This is a link to a different site QuickStart - Creating an IE Toolbar
Total Hit (1942) Describes how to use the vbAccelerator CommandBar control by demonstrating how to create a toolbar which looks like the Internet Explorer main toolbar.
This is a link to a different site Reading Data from Local or External Library Resources
Total Hit (2773) Often your application will have associated data, such as pictures, sounds, static data and so forth you need to ship with it. If you are localizing your application then you also need to be able to provide alternative text strings for menus, messages, labels on so forth. Resources are a great way t ....Read More

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