Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to copy text values from one table to another? This one demonstrates for a text value in a single row.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to get monday date given any date? This will work with the default SQL Server DATEFIRST setting & similar logic can be used to determine SUNDAY date etc.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to get the maximum date value in a group or NULL if present?
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to store different datatypes in a column & extract them
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL This is the solution to the February Reader's Challenge in the SQL Server Magazine.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL This is the solution to the February Reader's Challenge in the SQL Server Magazine.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to find the number of days in a month?
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to count the number of lines in an external OS file? Will work for ASCII files only.
01/09/2004 String String operation in
01/06/2004 VB String StringBuilder Class. Very efficient way to append string
01/05/2004 VB Datastructure HashTable - a class module for storing (key,value) pairs
01/05/2004 VB Forms & Controls Right Click PopUp Menu
01/05/2004 VB Api LOG Files
01/05/2004 VB Api Keeping a Window On Top
01/05/2004 VB Api Flashing Form Caption
01/05/2004 VB Api Changing Display Settings on the Fly
01/05/2004 VB Api Centering a Window with a Taskbar Visual
01/05/2004 VB Api Moving a Window Without a Titlebar
01/05/2004 .Net Framework Singleton Design Patten in VB.NET
12/06/2003 SQL Server Server Operations Viewing information about blocked processes is slightly uncomfortable process in SQL Server. Here are three SPs that make it a little easier.
11/26/2003 SQL Server Server Operations How to create new tempDB is tempDB is currepted or marked as suspect
11/25/2003 SQL Server Server Operations Scripts to automatically get notified if a database grew due to the autogrowth option being turned on.
11/09/2003 SQL Server T-SQL select only date or time part of a datetime value
11/09/2003 SQL Server Server Operations mark the stored procedure to automatic execution
11/09/2003 SQL Server User Defined Function Some useful UDF for SQL Server 2000
11/09/2003 SQL Server User Defined Function String User-Defined Functions
11/09/2003 SQL Server User Defined Function Date and Time User-Defined Functions
11/09/2003 SQL Server User Defined Function Mathematical User-Defined Functions
11/09/2003 SQL Server User Defined Function Meta Data User-Defined Functions
11/09/2003 SQL Server T-SQL Some Useful Undocumented SQL Server 7.0 and 2000 DBCC Commands
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