Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
02/07/2004 VB Windows GetIESaveAsEnabled - Determine whether IE SaveAs command is enabled
02/07/2004 VB Windows GetIEOptionsEnabled - Determine whether the IE Options dialog is enabled
02/07/2004 VB Windows GetIEFileNewEnabled - Determine whether IE File-New menu is enabled
02/07/2004 VB Windows GetIEFavoritesEnabled - Determine whether IE Favorites menu is enabled
02/07/2004 VB Windows GetIEContextMenuEnabled - Determine whether IE context menu is enabled
02/07/2004 VB Windows GetIECloseEnable - Determine wheter IE close command is enabled
02/07/2004 VB Windows GetExecutableFile - Find the program associated to a document file
02/07/2004 VB Windows GetDriveInfo - Drive serial number and other data
02/07/2004 VB Windows GetDiskFreeBytes - Determine number of free bytes on disk
02/07/2004 VB Windows GetDesktopVisible - Determine whether the desktop is visible
02/07/2004 VB Windows GetDesktopRect - Get size and position of available desktop area
02/07/2004 VB Windows GetCpuInfo - Retrieve information about the CPU
02/07/2004 VB Windows GetBiosInfo - Retrieve information about the bios
02/07/2004 VB Windows GetBatteryTime - Get the life time of a notebook's battery
02/07/2004 VB Internet HTMLDecodeEx - Decodes HTML encoded strings
02/07/2004 VB Internet HTMLDecode - Convert an HTML string to a plain text
02/07/2004 VB Internet GetHtmlPageSource - Get the HTML of a page using MSXML library
02/07/2004 VB Internet GetCookies - Get local cookies for a given URL
02/07/2004 VB Internet DownloadFile - Download a file using standard IE dialog
02/07/2004 VB Internet CopyURLToFile - Download a file from the Internet via FTP or HTTP
02/07/2004 VB Internet ColorToHTML - Convert a VB color for use in a HTML page
02/07/2004 Controls-TreeView GetNodeRelationship - Evaluates the relationship between two treeview's nodes
02/07/2004 VB Help ShowHtmlHelp - Show a HTML Help page
02/07/2004 VB Help OpenWindowsHelp - Bring up the Windows Help system
02/07/2004 Keyboard-Mouse MoveCursorToControl - Moving the cursor to the center of the input control
02/07/2004 Keyboard-Mouse IsKeyPressed - Check whether a key is pressed
02/07/2004 VB Active Directory WindowFromMouse - The handle of the window under the mouse cursor
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse VBSendKeys - Send keys to any Windows and MS-DOS application
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse SnapMouseToWindow - Move the mouse cursor to the center of a form or control
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse SetScrollLockKey - Set the state of the ScrollLock key
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