Clipping the mouse to a rectangle area
Total Hit (2158) |
The Clip property of the Cursor is the rectangle within which the mouse cursor is confined, or its value is Nothing if the mouse can move over the entire screen. This rectangle is in screen coordinates, so you must do some conversions if you want to confine the mouse to an object on the form:
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Get Mouse Position Anywhere, Anytime
Total Hit (4147) |
Some control events provide the mouse pointer's current position within the control's client area; others provide only the screen coordinates of the mouse pointer (the same as returned by Cursor.Position). Is there a function that tells you where the mouse is positioned within a specific control? We
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Mouse clipping with the Cursor class
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The Clip property of the System.Windows.Forms.Cursor class represents the rectangle within which the mouse cursor is confined, or Nothing if the mouse can move over the entire screen. This rectangle is in screen coordinates, so you must do some conversions if you want to confine the mouse to an obje
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Retrieving the state of the Shift, Alt and Ctrl keys, at any time
Total Hit (2592) |
You can know the state of the Shift, Alt and Control keys at any time, not just from inside a Keyxxx event. The shared property Control.ModifierKeys returns a bit coded value that identifies which of those keys are pressed, and you can use the And bit operator if a specific key is pressed. The follo
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Adding Mouse Gesture Support to .NET Windows Applications
Total Hit (2033) |
Use of mouse gestures to control application is becoming increasingly common in the more sophisticated web browsers. This sample demonstrates how you can support a range of mouse gestures in .NET Windows Forms Applications by implementing an IMessageFilter. VB.NET and C# code provided.
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Total Hit (1915) |
One of the Windows API features which isn't included in the .NET Framework is setting up and receiving notifications from system-wide HotKeys. This article presents an extended version of System.Windows.Forms.Form which adds HotKey functionality.