Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
09/17/2003 VB Internet Put buffering and Response.Flush to good use
09/17/2003 VB Internet Open the Internet Connection dialog
09/17/2003 VB Internet Open the default program for sending email messages
09/17/2003 VB Internet Launch the default browser on a given URL
09/17/2003 VB Internet Get the local IP address using the Internet Transfer Control
09/17/2003 VB Internet Download a file with one API call
09/17/2003 VB Internet Programming Create an Internet shortcut
09/17/2003 VB Internet Programming Check whether the user is working off-line
09/17/2003 VB Internet Programming Check whether RAS is installed
09/17/2003 VB Internet Programming Check for a valid URL
09/17/2003 Windows Showing help
09/17/2003 Keyboard-Mouse Retrieving the state of the Shift, Alt and Ctrl keys, at any time
09/17/2003 Keyboard-Mouse Mouse clipping with the Cursor class
09/17/2003 Keyboard-Mouse Get Mouse Position Anywhere, Anytime
09/17/2003 Keyboard-Mouse Clipping the mouse to a rectangle area
09/17/2003 VB Keyboard-Mouse The status of shift keys
09/17/2003 VB Keyboard-Mouse The status of mouse buttons
09/17/2003 VB Keyboard-Mouse Swap the mouse buttons' behavior and meaning
09/17/2003 VB Keyboard-Mouse Intercepting MouseEnter and MouseExit events without subclassing
09/17/2003 VB Keyboard-Mouse Hide and show the mouse cursor
09/17/2003 VB Keyboard-Mouse Determine the number of mouse buttons
09/17/2003 VB Keyboard-Mouse Correctly restore mouse cursor
09/17/2003 VB Keyboard-Mouse Control the mouse speed under Windows 98 / 2000
09/17/2003 .Net Framework Control what happens when an unhandled exception occurs
09/17/2003 Windows Write a console utility to list processes
09/17/2003 Windows Write a console utility to kill a process
09/17/2003 Windows Wait for a process to terminate
09/17/2003 Windows Retrieving special system paths
09/17/2003 Windows Retrieve Windows and System directories
09/17/2003 Windows Retrieve information about the current user
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