Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
09/19/2003 VB Math SinH, CosH, TanH, CotH, SecH, CscH - Hyperbolic trig functions
09/19/2003 VB Math ShiftRight - Shift a Long to the right
09/19/2003 VB Math ShiftLeft - Shift a Long to the left
09/19/2003 VB Math RotateRightI - Rotate an Integer to the right
09/19/2003 VB Math RotateRight - Rotate a Long to the right
09/19/2003 VB Math RotateLeftI - Rotate an Integer to the left
09/19/2003 VB Math RotateLeft - Rotate a Long to the left
09/19/2003 VB Math Rnd2 - A random value in a range
09/19/2003 VB Math Power2 - A power of 2
09/19/2003 VB Math Permutations - Number of permutations of N objects in groups of M
09/19/2003 VB Math NormRand - Produce random numbers with normal distribution
09/19/2003 VB Math MK? And CV? - Convert numbers to strings and back
09/19/2003 VB Math LowWord - The least significant word of a Long value.
09/19/2003 VB Math Log10 - Base-10 logarithm
09/19/2003 VB Math LCM - The Least Common Multiple of two integers
09/19/2003 VB Math IsPrime - Determine whether a number is prime
09/19/2003 VB Math HiWord - The most significant word in a Long value
09/19/2003 VB Math GetPrimeNumbers - Evaluate the first N prime numbers
09/19/2003 VB Math GCD - The Greatest Common Divisor of two integers
09/19/2003 VB Math Fract - The fractional portion of a number
09/19/2003 VB Math Factorial - The factorial of a number
09/19/2003 VB Math DegreesToRadians, RadiansToDegrees - Convert from radians to degrees and back
09/19/2003 VB Math DecToFrac - Converts a decimal number into a fraction
09/19/2003 VB Math Dec2Any - Convert a decimal number to any other base
09/19/2003 VB Math Crc16 - Evaluate the 16-bit CRC of an array of bytes
09/19/2003 VB Math Cot, Sec, Csc - Missing trig functions
09/19/2003 VB Math Combinations - The number of combinations of N objects in groups of N
09/19/2003 VB Math CelsiusToFahrenheit, FahrenheitToCelsius - Convert temperature values
09/19/2003 VB Math Ceiling - The integer equal or higher than a given value
09/19/2003 VB Math CComplexNumber - A class for dealing with complex numbers
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