Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder ReadFromStdInput - Read from standard input stream
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder MakePath - Create a nested directory
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder MakeFileName - Create a file name out of its parts
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder MakeDirPath - Create a path, including intermediate directories
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder LongPathName - Convert a 8.3 file name to long format
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder ListFiles - List all the files in a directory or directory tree
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder IsExecFile - Check whether a file is an executable file
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetTempFile - Create a temporary file
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetShortFileName - Convert a filename to 8.3 format
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetShortenedFileName - Make a filename shorter using ellipses
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetFileVersionData - Retrieve file versioning information
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetFilesInfo - Read all the information about all the files or subdires in a given path
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetFiles - Returns all the files in a directory
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetFilePath - Extract the path portion of a file name
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetFileOwner - Get the owner of an NTFS file
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetFileIcon - Retrieve the icon associated to a file
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetFileExtension - The extension in a filename
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetFileDescriptionFromReg - Get a file's description from the registry
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetFileDescription - Get a file's description through Windows API
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetFileDateInfo - Retrieve all date information about a file
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetFilebaseName - Retrieve the base portion in a file name
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetDriveTypeEx - Detect drive type, including CD or DVD driver
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetDirectorySize - Evaluate disk space used by files and subdirectories
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetDirectories - Returns all the subdirectories of a directory
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetAttrDescr - The attributes of a file in a readable format
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetAllPictureFiles - The list of all image files in a directory tree
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetAllFiles - Search files in a directory or directory tree
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder GetAllExecutableFiles - The list of all executable files in a directory tree
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder FolderHasSubfolders - Determine whether a directory has one or more subdirectories
09/21/2003 VB Files & Folder FilesToArray - Read all the files or subdirectories in a directory using API functions
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