Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Changing columns to rows.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Generic logic to search & replace characters in a string.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Stripping individual values from a comma-separated string using SELECT statement only.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL A tricky ordering problem.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Number of days between a given date & 3rd sunday of current month.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Maximum Value from 5 columns.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Sample for how to send progress info from long running sps.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Get only one matching row for each name from several address rows.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Dynamic execution of SP ( This method is not well-known ).
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Finding gaps in sequential numbers.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Sorting only based on the numeric digits in a column containing alpha-numeric values of the form nnnXXX.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL File details using NT commands & undocumented SP.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Dissecting datetime value storage to individual dateparts.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Counting ocurrences of a pattern in text data
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Strip the tags out of a HTML string
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Delete all but the two latest messages for each user
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Check a string for numeric digits only
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Example for encrypting data using XOR
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Concat several address fields together (example)
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Tricks using a numbers table
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL Methods to form complex strings for dynamic SQL execution
01/14/2004 SQL Server BLOB (Text-Image) This is a simple routine that shows how to combine several binary values into a single image value. This is similar to string concatenation & this example just adds the bytes together as a stream.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL This is an example that shows how to do the opposite of pivot.
01/14/2004 SQL Server BLOB (Text-Image) Here is a sample SP that shows how to manipulate text / image data. For simple insert / update of BLOB data, the INSERT / UPDATE statement will suffice. UPDATETEXT or WRITETEXT statements are required when modification of existing data needs to be done.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to perform array-like manipulations using the set-oriented SQL features.
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to add time values formatted as hh:mm & display as hh:mm?
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to strip money values from a specifically formatted string: "n...-X..."? n... indicates the money value with varying lengths & decimal points also. X... indicates the alpha-numeric string after the money value
01/14/2004 SQL Server T-SQL How to perform case-sensitive search on strings in a case-insensitive server?
01/14/2004 SQL Server BLOB (Text-Image) How to transfer BLOB fields like text/image from one server to another in SQL60/65? The same can be done in SQL70 using distributed queries.
01/14/2004 SQL Server Trigger How to determine the table from which a trigger was fired in the trigger itself? This technique can be used to write a common SP that can use the table name identified thus.
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