Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse SetNumLockKey - Set the state of the Num Lock key
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse SetKeyboardRepeatInfo - Set values about keyboard auto-repeat feature
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse SetDoubleClickInfo - Set the double-click rectangle and timeout
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse SetCapsLockKey - Set the state of the Caps Lock key
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse PressVirtKey - Press and/or release any key
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse MoveMouseCursor - Move the mouse to given coordinates
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse MouseX, MouseY - Get mouse coordinates, relative to the screen or a window
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse LastKeyCode - Get the code of the last key pressed
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse KeysPressed - Test the status of up to three keys
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse GetScrollLockKey - Get the state of the Scroll Lock key
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse GetNumLockKey - Get the state of the NumLock key
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse GetKeyboardRepeatInfo - Retrieve information about keyboard auto-repeat feature
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse GetInsertKey - Get the current state of the Insert key
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse GetDoubleClickInfo - Retrieve double-click rectangle and timeout
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse GetCapsLockKey - Get the state of the CapsLock key
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse EscapePressed - Check whether the Esc key was pressed
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse DiscardMouseMessages - Prevent queud mouse actions from being processed
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse ClipMouseToWindow - Confine the cursor to a window's client area
02/07/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse ButtonDown, ButtonUp, MouseClick, MouseDblClick - Simulate mouse activity
02/07/2004 .Net Framework Retrieving (from a VB6 program) the installed versions of the .NET Framework
02/07/2004 .Net Framework Checking (from a VB6 program) whether the .NET Framework is present
02/07/2004 Windows ShowOpenWithDialog - Displaying and opening a file through the "Open with..." dialog
02/07/2004 Windows LogEvent - Logging an error/event to the Windows NT/2000 Application Event Log
02/07/2004 Windows IsWordInstalled - Checking whether MS Word is installed
02/07/2004 Windows IsSystemFontSmall - Checking whether the system is using small fonts
02/07/2004 Windows IsFontInstalled - Test whether a font name and size is supported
02/07/2004 Windows IsExcelInstalled - Checking whether MS Excel is installed
02/07/2004 Windows GetSystemUpTime - Retrieving the system's up time
02/07/2004 Windows GetPhysicalMemory - Retrieving the physical memory amount
02/07/2004 Windows GetFreePhysicalMemory - Retrieving the free physical memory amount
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