Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetIETitle - Change the title used for Internet Explorer
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetIEStartPage - Change IE start page
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetIESaveAsEnabled - Decide whether IE SaveAs command is enabled
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetIEOptionsEnabled - Decide whether IE Options dialog is enabled
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetIEFileNewEnabled - Decide whether IE File-New menu is enabled
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetIEFavoritesEnabled - Decide whether IE Favorites menu is enabled
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetIEContextMenuEnabled - Decide whether IE context menu is enabled
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetIECloseEnabled - Change availability of IE close menu command
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetFolderIcon - Associate an icon to a folder
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetExplorerToolbarPicture - Change Explorer toolbar image
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetDesktopVisible - Decide whether the desktop is visible
02/13/2004 VB Windows ServiceCommand - Start, stop, pause, and continue a Windows NT service
02/13/2004 VB Windows SaveRegToFile - Save a registry subkey to a .reg file
02/13/2004 VB Windows RunAtStartUp - Run any application at startup, once or multiple times
02/13/2004 VB Windows RecycleBinItems - Get info on the items in the Recycle Bin
02/13/2004 VB Windows OpenSinglePaneExplorer - Open a folder in a single pane Explorer window
02/13/2004 VB Windows NumberOfCPUs - The number of processors
02/13/2004 VB Windows MinimizeAllWindows - Minimize and restore all windows
02/13/2004 VB Windows MaxSystemColors - The number of screen colors
02/13/2004 VB Windows LogOffUser - Shut down the current user session
02/13/2004 VB Windows ListFileExtensions - Retrieve information about all registered file extensions
02/13/2004 VB Windows KillProcess - Terminate any application
02/13/2004 VB Windows IsWindowsNT - Check Windows platform
02/13/2004 VB Windows IsSystemFontSmall - Determine if system font is small or large
02/13/2004 VB Windows GetWindowSize - Get a window's dimension in pixels
02/13/2004 VB Windows GetWindowClientSize - Get the size of a window's internal area
02/13/2004 VB Windows GetWindowClass - The class name of a window
02/13/2004 VB Windows GetServicesInfo - Enumerate Windows NT services
02/13/2004 VB Windows GetScreenSaverTimeout, SetScreenSaverTimeout - Control the screen saver's timeout
02/13/2004 VB Windows GetScreenSaverState, SetScreenSaverState - Enable or disable the screen saver
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