Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
02/14/2004 VB Internet URLEncodeEx - Apply URL encoding rules
02/14/2004 VB Internet URLEncode - Convert a string for using on a URL query string
02/14/2004 VB Internet URLDecodeEx - Decodes an encoded URL
02/14/2004 VB Internet IsFileInCache - Check whether a file is in the Internet cache
02/14/2004 VB Internet IsConnectedToInternet - Check whether there is an Internet connection
02/14/2004 VB Internet InternetExplorerPath - Test whether IE is installed and retrieve its path
02/14/2004 VB Internet HTMLEncodeEx - Applies HTML encoding rules to the specified Text
02/14/2004 VB Internet HTMLEncode - Encode a string so that it can be displayed in a browser
02/13/2004 VB Windows WindowsVersionSP - Determine Windows version and NT service pack info
02/13/2004 VB Windows WindowsVersion - The version number of the operating system
02/13/2004 VB Windows WindowsBuildNumber - Get operating system build number
02/13/2004 VB Windows WindowDescription - Get a textual description of a window given its hWnd
02/13/2004 VB Windows UserName - The name of the interactive user
02/13/2004 VB Windows TemporaryDirectory - Get Windows temporary directory
02/13/2004 VB Windows ShutDownWindows - Shut down and reboot the operating system
02/13/2004 VB Windows ShowWindowsInTreeView - Display a windows hierarchy in a treeview control
02/13/2004 VB Dialogbox ShowSaveFileDialog - Show a Save File common dialog
02/13/2004 VB Windows ShowProgramsInTaskbar - Show or hide all programs in the taskbar
02/13/2004 VB Windows ShowOpenWithDialog- Display the "Open with" dialog
02/13/2004 VB Windows ShowOpenWithDialog - Display the "Open with" dialog
02/13/2004 VB Dialogbox ShowOpenFileDialog - Show a Open File common dialog
02/13/2004 VB Windows ShowFileProperties - Display the Property Page of a file
02/13/2004 VB Windows ShowExplorerFileMenu - Hide or show Windows Explorer File menu
02/13/2004 VB Dialogbox ShowColorDialog - Show the standard color dialog
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetWallPaper - Change the desktop's wallpaper
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetWallpaper - Change or remove the desktop wallpaper
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetRegistryValue - Write a value in the Registry
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetRegisteredUser - Modify the name of registered user and organization
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetPowerInfo - Change settings for Power-off and Low-Power features
02/13/2004 VB Windows SetIEToolbarPicture - Change IE toolbar image
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