Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
02/14/2004 Controls How to make a ComboBox do auto complete?
02/14/2004 Controls How to make a ComboBox do auto complete?
02/14/2004 VB Datastructure Ternary QuickSort - A modification of QuickSort
02/14/2004 VB Datastructure SortBase - Support sorting routines
02/14/2004 VB Datastructure ShuttleMergeSort - An improved MergeSort
02/14/2004 VB Datastructure ShellSort - A compact routine that sorts data in place
02/14/2004 VB Datastructure SemiCRC - A fast CRC-like algorithm
02/14/2004 VB Datastructure SelectionSort - Short, simple and sloooow
02/14/2004 VB Datastructure QuickSort - Exploiting the principle of exchanging keys
02/14/2004 VB Datastructure MSD RadixSort - An algorithm that can achieve O(N) behavior
02/14/2004 VB Datastructure MergeSort - A stable sort
02/14/2004 VB Datastructure InsertionSort - A simple routine with minimal overhead
02/14/2004 VB Datastructure HeapSort - A compact routine that sorts data in place
02/14/2004 VB Datastructure CombSort - A compact routine that sorts data in place
02/14/2004 String GetUSStates - Get the list of US States and their abbreviations
02/14/2004 XML DisplayXmlFile - loading a XML file in a TreeView
02/14/2004 XML CreateAppendElement - appending a XmlElement under another XmlNode
02/14/2004 ASP Data Access RecordsetToHTMLTable - Convert an ADO Recordset to a HTML table
02/14/2004 ASP General Programming Encode/Decode - Two routines for ASP encryption
02/14/2004 VB Internet ViewHTMLSourceInBrowser - Use IE to view the HTML of a page
02/14/2004 Internet Programming RestartDefaultSite - Restarting the default website in IIS
02/14/2004 Files & Folder GetOsqlPath - Get the path of the SQL Server's OSQL.exe utility
02/14/2004 Threads & Process ExecuteSqlScriptsWithOsql - Executing an array of script files with the OSQL utility
02/14/2004 WebServices GetWSException - Extracting the name of the SoapException's inner exception
02/14/2004 Controls SetListSelections - Select in a List control the items passed as a comma delimited list
02/14/2004 Controls SelectItemFromValue - Select the ListControl element with a given value
02/14/2004 Controls SelectItemFromText - Select the ListControl element with a given text
02/14/2004 Controls HasUploadedFile - Return whether a file uploader control has posted a file to the server
02/14/2004 Controls GetListSelections - Retrieve a comma delimited list of items selected in a List control
02/14/2004 Controls GetIndexFromValue - Return the index in a ListControl given a value
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