Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
03/04/2004 VB Controls Add a Check Box to the Left Hand Side of a Drop-Down Combo Box
03/04/2004 VB Controls Detect when a Combo Box Drops Down or Closes Up
03/04/2004 VB Internet Determine whether a file is in the Internet Explorer cache
03/04/2004 VB Language HiWords and LoWords from Long Values
03/04/2004 VB Language Implementing Unsigned Right and Left Shift Operators
03/04/2004 VB Controls Set Left and Right Margin of Text Boxes and Combo Boxes
03/04/2004 VB Files & Folder Compact a Long Path Name to fit a given space
03/04/2004 VB Font Create an API hFont from a VB StdFont object
03/04/2004 VB Internet System Internet Connection - Determining How and If Connected
03/04/2004 VB System Detecting Windows Settings Changes
03/04/2004 VB Controls Text Box control - adding Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo and Delete command support
03/04/2004 VB Clipboard Copy the entire contents of a PictureBox to the clipboard
03/04/2004 VB COM-COM+ Create New GUIDs
03/04/2004 VB Controls Add File or URL AutoCompletion to TextBoxes and ComboBoxes
03/04/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse Moving, Clicking and Tracking the MousePointer in Code
03/04/2004 VB Graphics Blend Two Colours Together Using Alpha
03/04/2004 VB Graphics Create a VB Picture from a GDI Picture Handle
03/04/2004 VB Graphics Creating a new GDI Bitmap from a VB Picture or DC
03/04/2004 VB Forms & Controls Text Box Balloon tip support in XP
03/04/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse Convert a Character Code to a string describing the Keyboard Keys which must be pressed
03/04/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse Detecting Mouse XButton Clicks
03/04/2004 VB Setup Providing a proper VB Application Icon, Including Large Icons and 32-Bit Alpha Images
03/04/2004 VB System Working with Multiple Monitors
03/04/2004 VB Controls Change The Width of Items in a Listbox
03/04/2004 VB Windows Responding to AppCommands
03/04/2004 VB Keyboard-Mouse SendKeys using the API
03/04/2004 VB Misc Storing Objects Against ItemData and Tag properties
03/04/2004 VB Misc Link Spoof
03/04/2004 VB Language Dealing with Circular References
03/04/2004 VB String StringBuilder Class for VB
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