Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS Why can't I read the Password property from a DTS Connection?
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS How can I change the filename for an Access Connection?
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS How can I change the filename for a text file connection?
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS Connecting to an AS400 with DTS
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS How to check the file date
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS How can I dynamically set the Access System Database
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS Importing a Named Range From Microsoft Excel
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS Deleting an Excel WorkSheet from within a package
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS Find an Access Database (from anywhere on the file system)
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS Coping with text files and abnormal column or row delimiters
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS Open File Dialog Custom Task
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS Create an Access Database
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS How do I open a file package or template
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS Working with files and the FileSystemObject
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS How do I enumerate tables in an Access Database
03/10/2004 SQL Server Backup-Restore Error : When I try to backup to a Network share
03/10/2004 SQL Server DTS How can I transfer table from one database to other database with all other schema of that table (i.e. defaults, constraints, indexes ...)
03/10/2004 XML Accessing and Manipulating XML Data in .NET III
03/10/2004 XML Accessing and Manipulating XML Data in .NET II
03/10/2004 XML Accessing and Manipulating XML Data in .NET I
03/10/2004 XML XSD Schemas: An Introduction
03/10/2004 XML Saving Web Form User Input Data to an XML File
03/10/2004 XML Saving a DataSet as an XML File
03/10/2004 XML Use the Xml Web Control to Display Database Query Results as XML
03/10/2004 XML Understanding How to Use XSL Transforms
03/10/2004 XML Upload an XML File and Validate Against a Schema
03/10/2004 Webservice .NET Web Services IV
03/10/2004 Webservice .NET Web Services III
03/10/2004 Webservice .NET Web Services II
03/10/2004 Webservice .NET Web Services I
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