Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
09/17/2003 Windows Prevent a second process instance from running
09/17/2003 Windows List all running Windows processes
09/17/2003 Windows List all COM components on local machine
09/17/2003 Windows Launch another process in a specified directory
09/17/2003 Windows Duplicate the SET operating system command
09/17/2003 Windows Determine type and number of CPUs
09/17/2003 Windows Determine the Windows version
09/17/2003 Windows Create a command-line filter utility
09/17/2003 Windows Check whether Microsoft Word is installed
09/17/2003 Windows Change the application priority
09/17/2003 VB Windows Wait for the termination of a program using Windows Scripting Host
09/17/2003 VB Windows Undocumented dialog box to change screen saver's password
09/17/2003 VB Windows Track changes in system time and display resolution
09/17/2003 VB Windows Show the contents of the Recycle Bin folder
09/17/2003 VB Windows Return a Dos error code on exit
09/17/2003 VB Windows Retrieve CPU information the simple way (NT/2000 only)
09/17/2003 VB Windows Provide a free preview of Office Documents
09/17/2003 VB Windows Open Windows's Start menu
09/17/2003 VB Windows Open MS-DOS prompt from any directory in Explorer
09/17/2003 VB Windows Open a Control Panel dialog or wizard
09/17/2003 VB Windows Implement password-protected TextBox that are really secure
09/17/2003 VB Windows How did Windows start?
09/17/2003 VB Windows Hide the application in the Task List dialog
09/17/2003 VB Windows Hide or disable the Windows' application bar
09/17/2003 VB Windows Hide or disable the desktop icons
09/17/2003 VB Windows Get the Windows temporary directory (without any API call)
09/17/2003 VB Windows Get the Windows main directories (without any API call)
09/17/2003 VB Windows Get the exit code of a process
09/17/2003 VB Windows Get login information the easy way (without any API call)
09/17/2003 VB Windows Format a drive using an undocumented function
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