Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
09/17/2003 COM+ Reduce COM+ context overhead: use modules and shared members
09/17/2003 COM+ Reduce COM+ context overhead: activate in the caller's context
09/17/2003 COM+ Avoid duplicate entries for the same serviced component
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Setting authentication across different domains
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Tips for debugging MTS components in the VB IDE
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ The best setting for the RunAs option in a server package
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Setting authentication across different domains
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Replicate a complete COM+ catalog to another machine
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Reduce context overhead for COM+ components
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Reduce COM+ context overhead: use non configured classes
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Never use New to create MTS/COM+ objects
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Misconceptions on variables and binding
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Make COM objects in a COM+ application visible to clients
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Improve availability by running a COM+ app as an NT service
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ GetObjectContext.CreateInstance is obsolete in COM+
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Generating IDL code to overcome binary compatibility issues
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Don't use global variables in MTS/COM+ projects
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Don't store object variables in the SPM
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Don't let binary compatibility beat you
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Disable COM+ 1.5 applications and components
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Be careful in using CreateObject with two arguments
09/17/2003 VB COM-COM+ Avoiding Access Denied erros when raising events from MTS objects
09/17/2003 VB DCOM Reduce activation delays by sorting DCOM protocol list properly
09/17/2003 VB Api Use Currency instead of LARGE_INTEGER values
09/17/2003 VB Api Never use the GetLastError API function
09/17/2003 Internet Programming Extract null-delimited strings
09/17/2003 Internet Programming Determine whether an API function is available
09/17/2003 Internet Programming Caveats of the CopyMemory API function
09/17/2003 Internet Programming Resolve an internet host address
09/17/2003 VB Internet Setting the off-line mode
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