Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
09/19/2003 VB String IsNullString - Check whether a string contains white-spaces
09/19/2003 VB String IsCharType - Check whether a character is alphabetic, a digit, a space, etc.
09/19/2003 VB String InstrWordEx - Find a whole word, with your choice of delimiters
09/19/2003 VB String InstrWord - Search a whole word
09/19/2003 VB String InstrTblRev - The last occurrence of a char in a table
09/19/2003 VB String InstrTbl - Search a string for any character in a table
09/19/2003 VB String InstrRev - Backward Instr for VB4 and VB5
09/19/2003 VB String InStrRev - A replacement for VB6's InStrRev under VB4 and VB5
09/19/2003 VB String InstrLast - Find the last occurrence of a substring
09/19/2003 VB String InStrAfter - An InStr variant that returns the index after the matching string
09/19/2003 VB Regular Expression GetWordOccurrences - Number of occurrences of each word in a string
09/19/2003 VB String GetStringBetweenTags - Returns a string between 2 delimiters
09/19/2003 VB String GetDelimitedText - Extract the text between open and close delimiters
09/19/2003 VB String FormatPhoneNumber - Format a phone number
09/19/2003 VB String FormatFullName - Create a full name in the format "LastName, FirstName"
09/19/2003 VB String FormatCreditCard - Format a credit card number
09/19/2003 VB String FilterString - Remove invalid characters from a string
09/19/2003 VB String ExplodeString - Add a filling char between a string's chars
09/19/2003 VB String EncryptString - Encode and decode a string
09/19/2003 VB String ConvertReverseFullName - Convert a reverse name to the "FirstName LastName" format
09/19/2003 VB String ConvertCamelCase - Convert from a string in camel case
09/19/2003 VB String CheckUSState - Validate a US state initial
09/19/2003 Math Hex2Dec - Convert from hexadecimal to decimal
09/19/2003 Math Hex - Convert from decimal to hexadecimal
09/19/2003 Math EvaluateModule - a module for evaluating expressions
09/19/2003 Math Dec2Any - Convert a decimal number to any other base
09/19/2003 Math BinToDec - Convert from binary to decimal
09/19/2003 Math Bin - Convert from decimal to binary
09/19/2003 Math Any2Dec - Convert from any numeric base to decimal
09/19/2003 VB Math TriangleArea - Evaluate the area of any triangle given its sides
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