Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
09/21/2003 Controls-TreeView CountCheckedNodes - Retrieving the number of checked nodes in a treeview
09/21/2003 Controls-RichText Copying the selected text of a RichTextBox text into the Clipboard
09/21/2003 Controls-RichText Adding styles to the font of the selected text of a RichTextBox
09/21/2003 VB Controls-TreeView SetTreeViewFirstVisibleNode - Set the first visible node in a TreeView control
09/21/2003 VB Controls-TreeView SetTreeViewBackColor - Change the background color of a TreeView control
09/21/2003 VB Windows Common Controls SaveImageList - Save the images in an ImageList control
09/21/2003 VB Controls-TreeView NodeNestingLevel - The nesting level of a TreeView's node
09/21/2003 VB Windows Common Controls MoveProgressBarIntoPanel - Move a ProgressBar inside a StatusBar's panel
09/21/2003 VB Windows Common Controls LoadImageList - Reload the images in an ImageList control
09/21/2003 VB Controls-ListView ListViewVisibleItems - The number of visible elements in a ListView control
09/21/2003 VB Controls-ListView ListViewScroll - Scroll a ListView control horizontally or vertically
09/21/2003 VB Controls-ListView ListViewAdjustColumnWidth - Resize ListView's columns to account for their contents
09/21/2003 VB Windows Common Controls GetTreeViewSelNodeHandle - The handle of a TrewView's selected node
09/21/2003 VB Controls-TreeView GetTreeViewNodeRect - The bounding rectangle of a TreeView's node
09/21/2003 VB Controls-TreeView GetTreeViewNodeHandle - The handle of any node in a TreeView
09/21/2003 VB Controls-TreeView GetTreeViewFirstVisibleNode - Retrieve the first visible node in a TreeView
09/21/2003 VB Windows Common Controls GetNodeRelationship - Check if two nodes are relatives
09/21/2003 VB Controls-TreeView CTreeViewEdit - A class for enhanced treeview node editing
09/21/2003 VB Controls-TreeView ClearTreeViewNodes - Quickly delete all the nodes in a TreeView controls
09/21/2003 WinForms MoveListboxItem - Moving an item of a listbox to another index
09/21/2003 WinForms ImplodeForm - Hiding a form with an implosion effect
09/21/2003 Controls-TreeView GetNodeNestingLevel - Returns the nesting level of a TreeView's Node object
09/21/2003 WinForms ForceTextBoxNumeric - Force a TextBox control to accept only numeric digits
09/21/2003 WinForms ExplodeForm - Showing a form with an explosion effect
09/21/2003 WinForms Creating owner drawn menu items to simulate a color picker
09/21/2003 VB Forms & Controls TextBoxScroll - Programmatically scroll a multi-line TextBox control
09/21/2003 VB Forms & Controls TextBoxGetLines - Get an array with individual lines in a TextBox control
09/21/2003 VB Forms & Controls TextBoxGetLineColumn - Get caret position in a multiline TextBox control
09/21/2003 VB Forms & Controls TextBoxGetLine - Return a single line in a multiline TextBox control
09/21/2003 VB Forms & Controls SplitSubMenu - Split a submenu with vertical bars
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