Code / Articles / Tutorials for VB,, SQL Server, and VC++

PostedOnLanguageCategoryCode Name
10/03/2003 SQL Server Stored Procedure Get listing of files in a specified directory or a network share. This stored procedure also return some useful information (e.g. date, times, directory, filesize, filename)
10/02/2003 SQL Server Stored Procedure Is stored procedure running ?
09/26/2003 Threads & Process Sample Chapter from Visual Basic .NET Threading Handbook
09/26/2003 A whole chapter of and XML
09/26/2003 Security Sample Chapter from Visual Basic .NET Code Security Handbook
09/25/2003 VB AddIn AddIn for Mouse Wheel Support to the VB IDE
09/25/2003 SQL Server Locks-Transactions Easiest way to put multiple distributed statements in a transaction which may span on multiple servers using dynamic query
09/24/2003 SQL Server Distributed Queries How to run Select, Insert, Delete statements aginst remote server using dynamic query (demonstrates OPENROWSET and EXECUTE function)
09/24/2003 SQL Server Linked Server PRB: 7357/7320 Error While Performing UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE on Remote Table Using OpenQuery Via Linked Server
09/24/2003 SQL Server Linked Server How can I drop a table on a Linked Server ?
09/21/2003 VB Exteral Libs MSExcel - A class for writing Excel spreadsheets
09/21/2003 VB Exteral Libs IsOfficeAppPresent - Check whether an Office application is present
09/21/2003 VB Exteral Libs ConvertWordDocument - Convert a Microsoft Word DOC file to another format
09/21/2003 VB Exteral Libs CheckSpelling - Using the Word's check-spelling engine
09/21/2003 VB COM-COM+ ProgIDToCLSID - Convert a ProgID into a CLSID
09/21/2003 VB COM-COM+ IsComDll - Check whether a DLL is a self-registering COM server
09/21/2003 VB COM-COM+ GetProcID - Retrieve the DispID of a procedure
09/21/2003 VB COM-COM+ GetObjectGUID - Retrieve the GUID of a COM object
09/21/2003 VB COM-COM+ GetMemberType - Check whether an object exposes a property, method, event
09/21/2003 VB COM-COM+ GetHiddenClasses - Retrieve all the hidden classes in a type library
09/21/2003 VB COM-COM+ GetFileFromProgID - The file that implements a COM component with given ProgID
09/21/2003 VB COM-COM+ GetFileFromCLSID - The file that implements a COM component with given CLSID
09/21/2003 VB COM-COM+ GetClassesByMember - Retrieve the list of classes that expose a given property or method
09/21/2003 VB COM-COM+ GetClassesByInterface - Retrieve all the classes that implement a given interface
09/21/2003 VB COM-COM+ GetClasses - Enumerate all the classes defined in a type library
09/21/2003 VB COM-COM+ CLSIDToProgID - Convert a CLSID into a ProgID
09/21/2003 Classes & Objects SetProperty - Setting a property via reflection
09/21/2003 Classes & Objects SaveSoapData - serializing an object to file in SOAP format
09/21/2003 Classes & Objects SaveBinaryData - Serializing an object to file in binary format
09/21/2003 Classes & Objects LoadSoapData - deserializing an object from a file in SOAP format
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