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(Page 16 of 133) 3985 Result(s) found 


IsNullString - Check whether a string contains white-spaces
Total Hit (1964) «Code LangId=1» ' Return True is a string is made only of spaces, tabs, and Null characters. ' This function is especially useful to test whether fixed-length strings ' are initialized. Function IsNullString(Text As String) As Boolean Dim i As Long For i = 1 To Len(Text) Se ....Read More
IsStringLower - Determine whether a string contains only lowercase chars
Total Hit (1604) «Code LangId=1» Private Declare Function IsCharLower Lib "user32" Alias "IsCharLowerA" (ByVal _ cChar As Byte) As Boolean ' Check is the specified string is composed only by lower case characters (no ' digits and no special chars) ' Example: ' MsgBox "Is lower case? " & IsStringLower ....Read More
IsStringUpper - Determine whether a string contains only uppercase chars
Total Hit (1899) «Code LangId=1»Private Declare Function IsCharUpper Lib "user32" Alias "IsCharUpperA" (ByVal _ cChar As Byte) As Boolean ' Check is the specified string is composed only by upper case characters (no ' digits and no special chars) ' Example: ' MsgBox "Is upper case? " & IsStringUpper(" ....Read More
IsValidCreditCardNumber - Check whether a credit card number is valid
Total Hit (1695) «Code LangId=1»' Validate a credit card numbers ' Returns True if valid, False if invalid ' ' Example: ' If IsValidCreditCardNumber(Value:="1234-123456-12345", IsRequired:=True) Function IsValidCreditCardNumber(Value As Variant, Optional ByVal IsRequired As _ Boolean = True) As Boolean ....Read More
IsValidPhoneField - Check whether a phone number is valid
Total Hit (1673) «Code LangId=1»' Validate attributes of Phone data ' Returns True if valid, False if invalid ' ' Also returns the phone in formatted fashion (USA format). ' Will convert alphabetics to numeric ' 'Example: ' If IsValidPhoneField(Value:="3034414444", ReformattedPhone:=strNewPhone, ' ' ....Read More
Join - A replacement for VB6's Join function under VB4 and VB5
Total Hit (1629) «Code LangId=1» ' A replacement for the Join function under VB4 and VB5 Function Join(arr() As String, ByVal Delimiter As String) As String Dim index As Long For index = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) - 1 Join = Join & arr(index) & Delimiter Next Join = Join & arr(UBound ....Read More
JoinQuote2 - A Join variant that works with 2-dimensional arrays and quoted strings
Total Hit (1505) «Code LangId=1»' Join variant that works with ' bi-dimensional arrays of any type ' and that encloses string values between quotes ' ' ARR is the 2-dimensional array whose element must be joined ' ROWSEPARATOR is the separator for rows (default is CRLF) ' COLSEPARATOR is the separator fol colu ....Read More
JoinQuoted - A Join variant that encloses string values in quotes
Total Hit (1607) «Code LangId=1»' Join variant that works with arrays of any type ' and that encloses string values between quotes ' ' ARR is the array whose element must be joined ' SEPARATOR is the separator char (default is comma) ' QUOTED is the character used to quote string values ' use a two-char st ....Read More
NumberToWords - Convert a number into its string representation
Total Hit (1853) «Code LangId=1» ' Convert a number into its textual equivalent. ' ' Pass True in the second argument if you want a null string when ' zero is passed. ' This is a recursive routine that is probably the most concise ' routines that solves the problem Function NumberToWords(ByVal Number As L ....Read More
PermuteString - Generating all possible combinations out of a string
Total Hit (1827) «Code LangId=1»' Generates all combination possibilities out of a string Public Function PermuteString(ByVal Ztring As String, Optional Base As String = _ "") As String Dim TmpStrArray() As String, I As Long ' If there's only 1 element then If InStr(1, Ztring, " ", vbTextC ....Read More
PhoneNumberFromString - Convert a phone string into a number
Total Hit (1556) «Code LangId=1»' convert a telephone string into a phone number Function PhoneNumberFromString(ByVal PhoneString As String) As String Dim i As Integer Dim acode As Integer Const PhoneDigits = "22233344455566677778889999" ' prepare result in uppercase PhoneNum ....Read More
PrintF - Transforming template strings
Total Hit (1751) «Code LangId=1»' This VB6 function returns a string with a set of parameters replaced with ' variables, similar to the C function printf(). Public Function PrintF(strMask As String, ParamArray Values()) As String On Error Resume Next ' pass in a mask with variables in the order of \0 ....Read More
RandomString - Generate a random string using a mask
Total Hit (2306) «Code LangId=1»' generate a random string ' ' the mask can contain the following special chars ' ? : any ASCII character (1-127) ' # : a digit ' A : an alphabetic char ' N : an alphanumeric char ' H : an hex char ' all other chars are taken literally ' Example: a random-ge ....Read More
ReplaceArgs - Replace numbered placeholders in a string
Total Hit (1586) «Code LangId=1»' Replace placeholders in the form @@1, @@2, etc. ' with arguments passed after the first one. ' For example, calling this function with ' res = ReplaceArgs("File @@1 not found on drive @@2", "README.TXT", "C:") ' it returns the string ' "File README.TXT not found in drive ....Read More
ReplaceChar - A faster version of VB6's Replace function, for single-char replacements
Total Hit (2400) «Code LangId=1»Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (pDst As _ Any, pSrc As Any, ByVal ByteLen As Long) ' This is a replacement for the "Replace" function provided by VB6, ' though for single character replacements only. The speed difference varies, ' depe ....Read More
ReplaceLast - Replace the last occurrence of a substring
Total Hit (2127) «Code LangId=1»' Replace the last occurrence of a string Function ReplaceLast(Expression As String, Find As String, ReplaceStr As String, _ Optional Compare As VbCompareMethod) As String Dim i As Long i = InStrRev(Expression, Find, , Compare) If i Then ' the search s ....Read More
ReplaceMulti - Multiple string replacements
Total Hit (1856) «Code LangId=1»' Perform multiple substitutions in a string ' The first argument is the string to be searched ' The second argument is vbBinaryCompare or vbTextCompare ' and tells whether the search is case sensitive or not ' The following arguments are pairs of (find, replace) strings ' ....Read More
ReplaceWord - Replace whole words
Total Hit (1724) «Code LangId=1»' Replace a whole word Function ReplaceWord(Source As String, Find As String, ReplaceStr As String, _ Optional ByVal Start As Long = 1, Optional Count As Long = -1, _ Optional Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare) As String Dim findLen As Long Dim rep ....Read More
ReplaceWordEx - Replace whole words, with your choice of delimiters
Total Hit (1773) «Code LangId=1» Option Explicit '------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' This enum is used by both InstrWordEx and ReplaceWordEx ' ' It uses a binary value to determine what separator characters are allowed ' bit 0 = allow spaces ' bit 1 = allow symbols ....Read More
ReplicateString - Replicate a string a given number of times
Total Hit (2188) «Code LangId=1»' Replicate a string a given number of times Function ReplicateString(Source As String, Times As Long) As String Dim length As Long, index As Long ' Create the result buffer length = Len(Source) ReplicateString = Space$(length * Times) ' do the multiple co ....Read More
ReverseFullName - Convert a full name into the "LastName, FirstName" format
Total Hit (1626) «Code LangId=1»' reverse a full name ' ' for example: ReverseFullName("John A. Smith") ==> "Smith, John A." Function ReverseFullName(ByVal FullName As String) As String Dim i As Long ' search for the last space FullName = Trim$(FullName) i = InStrRev(FullName, " ") ....Read More
Soundex - Determine the phonetic code of a word
Total Hit (1901) «Code LangId=1» ' The Soundex code of an alphabetical string ' ' you can use Soundex code for phonetic searches ' Beware: this isn't bullet-proof! ' ' UPDATE: this version corrects a bug in the original routine ' thanks to Edward Wittke for spotting the mistake Function Soundex(By ....Read More
Split - A replacement for VB6's Split function under VB5
Total Hit (1828) «Code LangId=1» ' A replacement for the Split function under VB4 and VB5 ' ' Note that the return value is a Variant that contains ' an array of strings Function Split(ByVal Text As String, Optional ByVal Delimiter As String = " ", _ Optional ByVal Limit As Long = -1, Optional CompareMe ....Read More
Split2 - A Split variant that parses multiple lines of text
Total Hit (1707) «Code LangId=1» ' A Split variant that parses a string that contains ' row and column separators, and returns a 2-dimensional array ' ' the result String array has a number of columns equal ' to the highest number of fields in individual text lines Function Split2(ByVal Text As String, Opti ....Read More
SplitMultiSeparators - Split variation that works with multiple separators
Total Hit (1906) «Code LangId=1»' a variation of the Split function that works with more than one separators ' note that separators can consists of 2 or more chars ' Example: ' Dim res() As String ' res() = SplitMultiSeparators("one,two(three four)five", " ", ",", "(", ")") Function SplitMultiSeparator ....Read More
SplitQuoted - A split variant that deals correctly with quoted elements
Total Hit (1781) «Code LangId=1» ' split a string, dealing correctly with quoted items ' ' TEXT is the string to be split ' SEPARATOR is the separator char (default is comma) ' QUOTES is the character used to quote strings (default is """", ' the double quote) ' you can also use a character pair (eg "{}" ....Read More
SplitTbl - Split a string with multiple delimiters
Total Hit (1845) «Code LangId=1»' A variant of the Split function, that offers the following improvements ' You can pass a list of valid delimiters to the second argument ' (however, only single-char delimiters are accepted) ' Differently from the regular Split function, consecutive occurrences ' of del ....Read More
SplitWithQualifiers - An improved version of the Split function
Total Hit (2208) «Code LangId=1»' A variant of the Split function, that offers the following improvements ' You can pass text qualifier as the third argument and optionally specify ' to treat consecutive occurrences of delimiters as one ' For example, the following source text contains comma inside one of ....Read More
StripControlChars - Delete control characters in a string
Total Hit (1791) «Code LangId=1» ' Strip all control characters (ASCII code < 32) ' ' If the second argument is True or omitted, ' CR-LF pairs are preserved Function StripControlChars(source As String, Optional KeepCRLF As Boolean = _ True) As String Dim index As Long Dim bytes() As Byte ....Read More
StripExtendedASCII - Delete extended ASCII characters in a string
Total Hit (2597) «Code LangId=1» ' Strip all extended ASCII characters ' (that is, all characters whose ASCII code is > 127) ' Function StripExtendedASCII(source As String) As String Dim index As Long Dim bytes() As Byte ' the fastest way to process this string ' is copy it into an arr ....Read More

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